Chapter 1

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"Hi sweetheart, can I help you?"

I looked up at the guy standing before me. He was some sort of Pacific Islander. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Hi, umm...hi, I need a bond. I heard about this shop...on the r-radio?" I look down, trying not to make eye contact. The guy was really nice, pretending not to notice.

"Come on in, hun. Let me get my boss, and he can help you out." I followed him inside, sitting on the couch he motioned to. He walked to another room, coming back with another guy. The second man was taller, but obviously younger. He was Caucasian with long black hair he had tied behind his head in a braid.

"Aloha sweetheart," he greeted me, holding his hand out.

"Um, uh.., hi-i-i..alo-aloha," I stammered out, shaking his hand.

"I'm Leland Chapman, the bondsman here. What can I do for ya? Sonny here says you need a bond?"

"Uh-um, y-yeah, I need a...I need a bond."

"Alright, alright. Who's it for?" He shuffled his paperwork. I finally took a break from messing with my hands to look up at him. I took a second to take in his dark brown, puppy dog eyes.

"I..uhm.." I stuttered.

"Husband, boyfriend, brother, dad...?" He listed off.

"Um...friend. It's for a friend," I looked away. "Well, kind of..." I said in a hushed tone. I heard the papers drop to the table.

"Honey, is everything alright?" I could tell by his tone of voice that he was honestly concerned.

" it's really not." I almost whispered.

", Sonny? Can you watch it out here for a minute?" When Sonny nodded, Leland continued to me: "Honey, come back in my office and we can talk, okay?" I nodded, and we got up. I followed him to the couch in the corner of his office. I sat down next to him,

"Alright sweetie. Do you wanna talk?" I nodded. He waited a moment. "Do you wanna start?" I shook my head. "Okay. Well let's start with your name, can you tell me that?"

"Annabella," I said quietly.

"Okay, Annabella. What brings you in here today?"

"Well, I..I needed a bond..." I trailed off.

"Did you? For who?"

"Well...I mean, it's complicated..."

"Try me," Leland said, smiling.

I took a deep breath. "My ex-boyfriend's wife reached out to me because she can't cosign because of credit and the kids and some other stuff and she insisted I was the only person who could help and I said no and I don't know how but my ex got my phone number and said he'd kill me if I didn't and that he has friends and people that will take care of me for him and I don't know how true that is I didn't even know he was still in Hawaii I thought he was back in Iowa but he's still here on the base and I was teaching and their kid was in my class and I panicked and now I need a bond and a new job and restraining order and I'm so fucking scared I didn't know what else to do......."

When I was done, I looked up at him. He took a second to process it all and when he locked eyes with me, I just lost it. I started crying, sobbing right there on the couch. Leland got up and walked to the door.

"I'm so sorry I know I like literally just met you and that's a lot and all but I really just didn't know what else to do-"

He cut me off by putting his finger to his lips. I held my breath and he opened the door.

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