What a Day

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   If this goes on much longer, I won't be able to pay rent. I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to block out the fluorescent light of the elevator, the happy music playing softly making me frown with the irony. Yet another job interview failed miserably. 'I'm sorry, we've already make our decision, since you were the last interview of the day we wanted to see if you had anything to offer, sorry for the inconvenience!' Who does that?

   I opened my eyes when the elevator came to a stop on the ground floor. The doors slowly opened and I glared around the brightly lit lobby, bustling with people in business suits and on cellphones, doing things people with jobs do. My interview wasn't for anything glamorous, just getting coffee for people that thought they were more important than everybody else, but at least it would have given me an income. Honestly, that's all I'm asking for at this point.

   I had graduated high school a year early, having taken some classes during the summer to do so. I wanted to go to college, but without any sort of money to do so, I would have to wait to complete that goal. I weaved my way through the bustling crowed, trying to keep myself from crying at yet another rejection. No one wanted to hire a 17 year old to handle potentially important documents lest I screw something up.

   Pushing the front doors open with a little more force than was necessary, I make my way onto the even more busy street side. I took a moment to calm myself once more before making my way towards the crosswalk. I hit the button, not paying much attention to the street around me. Sorry for the inconvenience? This is my future we're talking about here!

   Out of the corner of my eye, the small group that had accumulated on the street corner began walking. Without looking up, I made my was forward, grumbling to myself in my head. I was halfway across the street before the sounds of squealing tires brought me out of my mindless thinking.

   I had just enough time to glance up at the sleek black car hurtling towards me before everything went black.

        Sorry this first chapter is so short, but I hope you enjoyed! Likes are always cool if you did!

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