Chapter 8

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Hyerim's pov

I look at the time. 5:00 A.M. I get out of jungkook's grip and get out of bed. I go to the bathroom and wash my teeth and face. I, then go to the dresser and pick out an outfit. I decided to go with a sports bra, showing off my 6 packs and some shorts with nike shoes.  I, then put my hair up in a ponytail, showing everyone my mark, claiming that I'm Jungkook's.

I look at myself in the mirror, there's a tiny stomach but it's not noticeable. We're going to tell the pack that I'm pregnant today after training. Then I walked back to the room. I look at the time and its 6:00 A.M. I go to the bed and wake up Jungkook. "Yeobo, Wake up, we have training today" I shake him. "Okay" He mumbled into the pillow. "I'll be in the kitchen" I said and left the room heading to the kitchen.

As I was walking to the kitchen, someone had the nerve to stop me. "Yah, Don't try and steal my man" Kimberly said. "Whose your man cause you have lots of them" I told her. "Ugh, can't you just be that weak girl again, nobody likes you" She said. "Can you stop being a slut, nobody likes slut" I mock her. "I'm going to kill you" She said and walked away. "The nerve of her" I mumbled and walked to the kitchen.

"So what do you want to eat" Yuna asked me when I walked in the kitchen. "An apple, I guess" I said. "No, you have to eat more, because your pregnant" Areum whispered the last part. "Fine" I said and sat down. "Here eat this" Yuna said and place eggs with bacon in front me on a plate. "Thanks." I said and started eating. "When are you going to tell the pack about the news" Areum asked. "After training, till then don't tell anyone about this not even jimin" I said and they gasped when I said jimin. Cause he is my best friend and we tell each other everything. "I know it's bad to keep it from him but I want it to be a surprise" I tell them and eat my bacon. "This is good" I mumbled. "Okay" They said.

A few minutes later, jungkook came in. "Good morning guys!" Jungkook said in a cheery voice and kissed my cheek. "Why are you so happy?" Yuna asked him. "You know why." He said and sat down next to me. "Here" Areum said and handed him a plate with food to eat. "Thanks." He said and dug in. "Are you guys excited for today?" Asked Yuna. "Yeah, and we also get to tell Charlie" Jungkook said as he ate. "His going to be so happy being an older sibling." I said and finished my food. "Welp, I'm done, I'll head outside, are you guys coming too" I asked Yuna and Areum. "Yeah" they said. "I'll see you outside" I told jungkook and pecked his cheek. "Be careful" he said and I walk out to the backyard with the girls.

We look and see that only our pack is here and not the light moon pack. I look at the girls. "You know what to do" I said and look at the girls. And they nod and walk back in. "Looks like we'll be starting training a bit late." I said in a loud voice. "For now rest a bit and when the other pack comes we'll train them hard." I said. "Yes Luna" they said. A few minutes later we see the light moon pack come outside pissed because they got woke up early. "Nice to see you guys joining us." I said as jungkook walked towards me. "Why are we up early?" Asked sungmin. "For training." Jungkook said. "This early?" Asked Jisoo the beta. "Yes, it's better to train early then late." I said. "Who even Asked you?" Kimberly asked me in disgust.

"Girl, we're here to help you, if you don't need help then we can leave." I said with sass. "Noo no, we need your help." Sungmin said and pushed Kimberly behind. "Don't let this happen again." Jungkook said in a strict voice. "I won't" sungmin said trying not to show fear. "Because of your lateness, you will have to run 300 laps, now!"I yelled and everyone started running. Jungkook came behind me and hugged me. "Don't push yourself too much." He whispered in my ear. "I won't, I promise" I whispered back and kissed his cheek. Then we hear a low growl.

I turn back and saw sungmin standing there with an angry expression. "Why are you hugging her!?!?" Sungmin questions jungkook. "Because she's my mate" Jungkook said and pulled me closer. "She's mine, I had her first." Sungmin said. "Your right, you had her first till you rejected her, and now she's mine as I'm hers" Jungkook said. I melt hearing those words. I turn around and face kookie. "Saranghae" I told kookie. "Nado" he said and kissed me. Then we have "this isn't over yet" and foot steps getting away from us. I pull away blushing. "Doesn't he see the mark, it means your taken" Kookie said. "His stupid, plus I would never want to be with that used chicken nugget." I said.

"Yeah because you got this chicken nugget, right here" he said and pointed at himself. "Yeah" I said and pecked his cheek. "Now stop distracting me, I have to train." I said and turn back facing the crowd of people coming back here tired and sweaty. Except for my pack because for warm ups I make them run 500 laps. Then in my mind I think of a extreme training practice. Muhaha, I have a great plan, first I will get some chicken nuggets to eat then they will have to fight and see whose stronger and then we will separate into groups and practice or torture them. Hahaha what an amazing plan but first I need to get those nuggets.

Time skip to after training~~
"Listen up everyone, today I have important news to share to you." Jungkook said and places his arm around my waist. While I search the crowd for Charlie and I spot him playing with jimin. "Hyerim is pregnant with my child." He said and everyone cheered except for one person. Yup you guessed it sungmin. Well I don't care, he can go suck a duck for all I care. "Yay!!" Jimin yelled.

"You can't be pregnant with his child, your supposed to be mine and have my child" this person said in rage. I look and see...

I'm back guys!!! How do you like this chapter, I'm writing this in my history class. It's been a while since I updated and I wanted to do update so here it is. Please tell me what you think about this chapter.

And who do you think that person is?? A Cliffhanger. I hate those. But whatever, I'm official back, I'll try to update soon, but I'll be kinda busy with school because I have to take my psat next week. Wish me luck guys, byeee

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