Chapter 9

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Hyerims pov

I look and see that sungmin said that. "You are mine!!" He roared. "You will not yell at my luna and wife like that!" Jungkook yelled, with his alpha voice seeping through. "She was my mate first so I have the right to talk to her how I want to!" Sungmin yelled. "She was  your mate, but she's not anymore, she decided to be with me for our entire life when she said yes at our wedding!" Jungkook roared at sungmin. "Please calm down baby" I whispered to Jungkook ears. "Charlie is seeing this, we can't have him see this bad influence." I whispered to him. "Your right, sorry hyerim." He whispered back. "We will talk about this later." Jungkook told sungmin. "Okay, everyone training is over for today, but tomorrow, I want everyone to wake up early or we will have some serious issues." I said loudly so everyone can hear me. "Ne, Luna" I hear my pack say. "Whatever" Kimberly muttered.

And we all went back inside into the pack house. "Mommy is it true that I will have a little brother or sister?" Asked Charlie. "Yeah, your going to have a younger sibling." I told him. "Yay!" He said. "Are you happy?" Jungkook asked him. "Ne! I can finally be the older brother I always wanted to be." Charlie said jumping up and down. "Yes now lets go to eat, I bet your hungry." I told Charlie. "Yeah." He said and ran to the kitchen. "I'm glad he took the news well." Jungkook said and held my waist close to him. "Yeah, unlike some people." I said referring to sungmin. "We need to have a talk with him after lunch." Kookie said. "Yes, his been bothering me so much and it disgusts me." I said. "Well he won't anymore after our chat." Jungkook said. And I nodded and we walked to the kitchen.

After lunch, I dropped Charlie with Jin and namjoon since they have nothing to do right now. He treats Jin and namjoon like second parents. Then me and jungkook went up to sungmins office for our chat. Why does sungmin have to be such a butt. Maybe he didn't have chicken nuggets, I keep telling everyone, if you don't have your nuggets then you'll be nuggetless and grumpy. Anyways jungkook knocked on the door and we walked in. Sungmin was at his desk doing some paperwork. He looked up and motioned up to sit down. There was only one seat so jungkook sat down and pulled me on his lap and sungmin growled lowly but we ignored it.

"We need to talk." Jungkook said. "Yeah, but first get your hands off Hyerim." Sungmin growled out. "No, she's my wife so I can touch her." Jungkook said and I blushed. "Just because I rejected her doesn't mean I can't take her back!" Sungmin exclaimed. "You just want me back because I'm not a nerd anymore, you like my body more then me as a person!" I said loudly getting mad. "You can't treat me as an object, I'm a person, I have feelings, I felt everything you did to me before, don't you think it hurt me that you rejected me, huh, it hurt the fudge out of me, but I'm glad that you rejected me, because if you haven't I would have never meet jungkook, the love of my life, you had your chance but you rejected me." I continued spilling my feelings into the words I spoke. 

"I'm sorry, I really am sorry, I was young and stupid, I only cared about being popular, but now I don't, and everyday I regret rejecting you, I wished I didn't, I really love you back then I was a playboy, I used girls as toys but now I matured, I want you back into my life, I know that your married now but I will get you back, I genuinely love you, I'm not faking." Sungmin said, telling me and jungkook that the truth that was bottled up in him for  awhile now. I know that he is being honest right now and everything but I can't, I just can't return him the same feelings. 

"It sounds that you love my wife a lot but the past is the past, you have to let go, can't you see that she is happy with me right now, we even have a family and have a child on the way, we love each other and that will never change. No matter what you say hyerim will never leave me because our mate bond is stronger then yours, second chance mates are rare and She's lucky she got a second mate, after you rejected she was so crumbled but she slowly opened up her heart again, and began to love, we went to so much together that even if you do take her away from me, I will fight for her because I truly love her, she was always there for me and I was always there for her too, nothing will get in the way of our relationship. I get it that you love her so much and regret rejecting her but thats all in the past, she moved on and so should you." Jungkook spilled out all his feelings and it made me love him all over again. 

"I will never forget her, she was my first and only love, I don't care that she is married anymore, I love her and there is nothing stopping me from taking her from you, I can have her when I want to, my love for her is stronger then anything, and nothing will stand in the way me having her back, I love her too much to let her go!" Sungmin yelled. "I tried to be civil." Kookie muttered and jumped at him but before he can hit Sangmin, I held jungkook back. "Please don't do this, we can't cause trouble yeobo." I whispered in his ear. "Fine, only for you." He whispered back and we walked out his office. "This isn't over!" We heard sungmin yell as we walked out. 

"Come on babe, let's go pick up Charlie." I said. And we made our way to jin's and namjoon's room. Once we walked in, Charlie ran to us and hugged us. "Are you okay eomma and appa?" He asked us. "Yeah, we're fine." Kookie said and picked him up. "Thanks for taking care of Charlie for us, jinnie and joonie." I said and hugged them. "Your welcome, we are always here if you ever want us to babysit him again." Jin said and hugged back. "You guys are life savers." I said and pulled back. "Sorry to cut this short but we have a date to go on." Namjoon said and grabbed jin's hand. Awwww. "It's okay, you go ahead." I said trying not to show my excitement for them. 

"I know your trying to cover it up, you can fangirl." Jin said. "Ehhhhh, you guys are sooo cute, my ship is sailing, you guys are the best couple but enough of me and my rant, go on your date." I said and pushed them out their room. "I thought we, we're the best couple." Jungkookie said pouting. "We are, but they are too." I said and pecked him. "Eww eomma! appa! Not here." Charlie exclaimed and went to our room. "His just jealous, he will understand when he finds his mate." I said. Then I remembered something. "Come on let's go hang out with our friends." I said and pulled him to where our friends are. They we're in the living room like always being lazy bums. 

We all talked, and talked. We literally talked about everything from how Sungmin is a jerk to my baby. They are the best friends in the world, it would have been better if jin and Joonie were here. Jin always makes us laugh at his dad jokes even if their bad, that's what makes it funny. After we talked, we all went to our rooms to sleep. Sometimes I think to myself, what did I do in my past life for me to have such amazing friends right now. I'm thankful for my friends. Anyways I kiss kookie and Charlie to sleep and then I go into dreamland, where I see tons of nuggets for me to eat. Yum. 


Yo, I'm back guys! I haven't uploading since last year, I just didn't have any creative to write, but now I do. I know this chapter is kinda short but I'm trying. It's hard to upload often cause of school. Last year I uploaded often because I didn't have tons of homework to do, but now I have tons of homework to do and it makes it hard for me to upload often. After I upload this chapter, I'll be writing next chapter and I hope I can upload that chapter soon. 

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