Chapter 10

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Author's pov

Night time ended very fast and shortly after came morning time. Hyerim slowly started to wake up, she looked to her left side and saw that it was 5am. She got up and walked to the bathroom, while walking to the bathroom, she saw the calendar and it said today's valentines day. As she was doing her morning routine, she was thinking up how to have an amazing date with kookie and Charlie. She wanted it to be special. 

As she was putting her hair up in a ponytail, jungkook woke up without her noticing and went behind her and back hugged her. She, out of surprise let out a tiny shirk. "Relax babe, it's just me." Jungkook whispered to her ear, making her shiver. "You scared me." She whispered tryin not to wake Charlie up. "Happy valentines day babe." He said and kissed her neck. "You too, also I was thinking that after training, maybe we could go on a date as a family." she said turning around and hugging Jungkook. "Yeah, I would like that very much." He said and started into her beautiful eyes. "Thanks." She said and leaned into to kiss him. "Eww, eomma! Appa! That's not what I want to see first thing in the morning." Charlie said and started at them. "When did you wake up?" Hyerim asked him, while walking towards him. "I just woke up." He said and got into his mom's lap. 

"Come on, how about we go downstairs and eat?" She asked him. "Sure!" He said and ran downstairs. "Be careful!" Jungkook yelled. "Go downstairs, I'll get my shoes and meet you down there in a second, okay?" Hyerim asked Jungkook. "Sure" He said and made his way to the kitchen. Hyerim got up from the bed and went to the closet to get her shoes. Once she got her shoes on, she made her way to the kitchen. 

"Happy valentines day you nuggets!!!" She yelled and sat next too Jungkook and Charlie. "Soooo, who got plans today?" She asked everyone. "Me and joonie have a date later." Jin said and held joonies hand. Aww their cute. "Me and jimin have a date later too." Areum said and jimin kissed her. "PDA!" Hoseok yelled. "Shhhh, I'm taking a nap." Yoongi said and laid his head on the table again. "You guys are just jealous that we have someone we can kiss." Taehyung said. "I don't need anyone, I have yoongi" Hoseok said and kissed yoongi and the cheek. "AHHHH, ship!" Yuna exclaimed. "Holy chicken nuggets!" Hyerim screamed. "Yuck." Yoongi said and wiped his cheek. 

"Hoseok hyung likes yoongi hyung?" Charlie questioned in a cute voice. "Hoseok hyung likes yoongi hyung, yoongi hyung likes hoseok hyung, HOSEOK HYUNG LIKES YOONGI HYUNG!" Charlie started off by whispering then he shouted. "Can you shut the hell up!"Sungmin yelled. Charlie got scared and started tearing up. Then he ran to Jungkook. Jungkook was about to shout back but hyerim beat him to it. "Who the heck do you think your yelling at! You don't have the right to yell at my kid, you ugly chicken nugget!. You didn't change a bit after I left. You still got that nasty temper! If you ever, and I mean ever shout like that to my kid or any one in my pack then I swear on my nuggets that I will kill you!"  She yelled, her luna voice slowly sinking in her words. Sungmin looked scared for the first time. "Now go tell your pack to wake up and meet us at the backyard in 10 minutes." She told him coldly and walked away from him and back to Charlie. 

"Are you okay Charlie?" She asked him and hugged him. "Yeah, he just scared me." He said and cried on her shoulder. "If he ever does anything to you, tell us quick, okay?" She said. "Okay, mommy." He said and Wiped his tears away. "Be a good boy and go with jin, okay? We're going to training and after training, you, me and your Appa have a date." She told him. "Okay mommy." Charlie said and ran to jin. "He'll be in good hands." Jin said and took Charlie away to daycare. "Come on guys, lets go train these wimps." Taehyung said and ran outside. After that everyone followed him outside.

Hyerim's pov 

After very intense hours of training, the pain finally ended. And now it's time for the family date. I make me way to my room since kookie said he'll get Charlie from daycare. Once I stepped foot into my room, I dashed to the shower and took a quick shower. After the shower, I put on a cute red dress. And curled my hair then I did a valentine makeup look. I heard some shuffling around in the back and I saw kookie and Charlie well dressed. "Are you ready to go, love?" Kookie asked. "Yeah." I smiled. I got up, got my purse and walked out the house with them. "Have fun!" I hear Areum yell. "You too!" I yelled back. 

"Where are we going Appa?" Charlie asked. "To eat." Kookie said without taking his eyes from the road. "Yummy." Charlie said. 

Time skip brought to you by jimin long lost jams

"We're here." Kookie said and parked the car. "Finally." Charlie cried out. "That was a long car ride." I said as I got out the car. "But it was worth it." Kookie said and held mine and Charlie's hand. 

"Under whose name do you have a reservation?" A cute waiter asked. Ew don't say that about him, hyerim. Our mate is so much cuter then that guy. Emily said. Sorry, sorry. I replied back. Then suddenly I came out of thought when I was getting dragged to a table by kookie. "Were you talking to Emily?" He asked. "Yeah." I said and sat down next to Charlie and in front of kookie. Just saying his name makes me hungry. But I can't eat a cookie without feeling guilty that I ate one of his family member. "Earth to mommy." Charlie waved his hand over my face. 

"Sorry, I spaced out while thinking of nuggets." I said. "You and your chicken nuggets are going to be the death of me." Kookie joked around. "When you decided to marry me, you married me and my chicken nuggets, in this relationship its not only you and me, it's you, me and my chicken nuggets." I stated the facts. "Chill babe, I know what I got myself into, and I'll always love you and your crazy nuggets." Kookie said. 

After lunch, we decided to go to the park, to play around a bit before going home. "Mommy watch me." Charlie said and he did a cartwheel. "Wahhh, my baby is so talented." I said and showered him with kisses. "Mommy stop, I'm a big boy now." He said trying to get away from me. "Okay, okay, I get it, you don't need your mommy anymore." I said and pretended to cry. "No, mommy I didn't mean, I'll always need my mom." He said. A smirk made its way to my face. "That's right." I said and continued to shower him with all my love for him. Then kookie joined in as well. It was a really fun day as a family. 

"Do you guys want ice cream? My treat." I said. "Yes!" They both shouted, jumping up and down like little kids. "Come on." I said and we made our way to the ice cream parlor. "Can we have three vanilla ice creams." I said. "Sure, that would be 11,280 won." The man said. I paid the man and gave him some tips. Then we made our way to an empty table. 

After we finished our ice creams, we made our way to the car and drove back home. Today is definitely a day I will always remember. 

By the time we got home, it was time to go to bed. We quietly went to our rooms and got ready to sleep. "Goodnight guys." I said and we all drifted off to our dreams. 


How did you guys like the valentines day special? It took me a few hours to write this and I didn't even do my homework. I hope you guys enjoyed it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2019 ⏰

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