Side Chapter (Not Cannon to Story): What Are You Doing in My Swamp

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     It was dark in the apartment. It wasn't too late, and Aizawa had finally completed all his paperwork. To his knowledge, (Y/n) had turned in half an hour ago, meaning he might be able to get a good night's sleep for once.

     Aizawa walked down the hall to his room, making sure to keep quiet as to not wake up (Y/n). He waltzed into his room and changed into some sweat pants and a T-shirt. He climbed into bed and settled in, getting comfortable. 

     "This is nice..." Aizawa sighed to himself, pulling the covers up to his chin.

     He turned on his side and flicked off the lamp on his bedside table. 

     He was warm and comfortable, and he was truly sure that nothing could ruin it for him, but he was wrong. Just as he closed his eyes, the most annoying thing that could possibly happen became a reality. In the room three doors down, the "What Are You Doing in My Swamp" remix was blaring loudly. 

     Aizawa wanted to deny it, he was so cozy under his warms sheets and blankets, but alas he had to be disturbed. 

     Aizawa was pissed, and it was clear on his face when he kicked the door to (Y/n)'s room down.

     "Why in the actual hell are you playing this so loudly this time of night?!?!" Aizawa shouted, fuming.

     "Umm..." (Y/n) was at loss for words. He was watching stuff on his phone and this caught his eyes. He clicked on it, and it was a lot louder than he expected.

     "I was finally going to get some sleep for once!" Aizawa growled, slowly walking up to (Y/n).

     "I'm sorry! I'm sorr-"

     Aizawa whacked the boy over his head, a newly lit fire in his eyes.

     "I'm giving you extra homework tomorrow," Aizawa grumbled, leaving the room. 

     "UGH!!!" (Y/n) groaned, both from exasperation and pain, rubbing his head where Aizawa hit him. I already have enough trouble doing the normal homework...

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