A Madman's Fantasy

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"I live in a world of fantasy so keep your reality away from me."

It all started

Like it always did

With a Once Upon A Time

And a handsome prince

A poor lowly village girl

That needed to be saved

A knight in shining armour

And all difficulties he braved

Alas! It was unfortunately written

To be merely Night's glamour

Once the clock struck twelve

It was all but a rumour

She thought he'd come back

Like in all stories did

Whereas their divided tracks

Show what Fate had seen fit

The dream of Happily Ever After

The delusion of true love

The fantasy of a Prince

The vision of life beyond above





Heartbreak and anger

Marked a beginning

A start of a curse

A danger simmering

Gone was the innocence

The purity Once Upon A Time

In her place an enchantress

Smeared with blood and grime

The end is just the beginning...

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