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"Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic."

"You could do better."

That was all it took for

Her to become a meter

Searching and scouring

A machine perfecting

She took pleasure to measure

To calculate and arbitrate

Like a working cogwheel

On a never ending reel

The ghost of a blemish

Haunted her dreams

A devilish flaw's hold

Tormenting her soul

Now the splotch of a flaw

Glared right in her face

A meagre grimy grain

stuck oddly on a train

It itched like a flea

Teasing and tickling

Like threepointonefouronefiveninetwosixfivethree

On neat pages free

A puny pebble on the path

Was the very flaw that took her

crashing into a wall, eternal

meter stopping once and for all

A repetitive robot going through a lapse

She spirals out of code, as

the seed went trickling out of her grasp

she gazed, aquiver, as it

prospered and blossomed and flourished

from the ugly green caper

A flower bloomed as her motor shattered

Unfettered of her unblemished manacles

She tastes the nectar of an imperfect flower

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