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Hellooo, good morning, afternoon, evening and nighht,

immm pretty tired and sick but i can fight through that!

Todays riddle, or question wont be all contemplating or serious but really just time wasting from my curiosity side of my brain

Also, hope you all are having a wonderful day, weekend, or even week. Good luck with school i hope you can make it through. and to those of you whom alreaady got outta school, congratS! 

you made it! noowwww time for the question:

Question of the night!:

When was the last time you have ever struggled to describe a feeling that made you feel so good in life? Were you able to describe it and get someone to understand? If so, how?

Theres tonights question to y'all :) Here's a little lovely song above the chapter title that makes me feel good all the time! Hope you enjoy it, and goodnight

a book with so many time wasting riddles and questionsWhere stories live. Discover now