Movies and Glasses(John)

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"How in the world are you going to watch a movie without your glasses, John?"
"I'm not so blind I can't see a television four feet away."
"Yes you are!"
John huffs and crosses his arms over his chest. "No. I'm not."
"If you say so."
You settle down beside him with a bowl of popcorn after starting the movie. It's some western neither of you really care about, but it was all you could find. Besides, it isn't the movie that even matters. John's been gone for so long that it's nice to just spend an evening in with him... even if he won't wear his glasses. You know it won't be any use to argue though. He's determined to never wear them even if it means he's blind as a bat. Stubborn man.
Halfway through the movie you notice John squinting at the screen. You tried to tell him. He should've put on his glasses after all. His godawful eyesight isn't an issue though until the romantic crescendo of the movie. The hero comes riding in to sweep the damsel in distress off her feet and kiss her in that dramatic Hollywood way.
"Why's John Wayne kissing that bloke?" John sounds absolutely confused.
You can't help it. Not really. You bust out laughing only to get a dirty look in return. That makes you laugh even harder. John shoves you away and takes the popcorn, a pout on his lips.
"Well," you say when you calm down, "if you were wearing your glasses you'd know that's a girl he's kissing." A thought crosses your mind. "What gender do you think I am?"
John is even more put out now. "Come off it," he mutters.
"Awww, my poor blind baby." You slap his cheek lightly. "Babe, just put your glasses on."
He's scandalized by just the thought. "No!"
"Why not?"
"They're bloody embarrassing!"
Now you're the confused one. How are glasses embarrassing? You wear them yourself and you're glad you do. Otherwise you'd be running into walls or mistaking a John for a girl. You just don't get it.
"But, John, I wear glasses too."
"And yeh look cute in 'em." He gives you that little sideways smile that made you fall for him in the first place and kisses your neck. You know it's just a tactic to change the conversation- a good one- but there's a more pressing matter at hand.
You push him away softly. "John, do you not think you're attractive when you wear glasses?"
He makes a face that gives you your answer.
"That's crazy! You're gorgeous!"
John laughs at you. It's loud, hard, and honest. He's genuinely amused by your outrage. You don't think it's funny at all. How could he think he's anything less than the most attractive person you've ever seen? How? Sure, he laughs at your honesty a fair bit. The way you say whatever comes popping in that pretty little head of yours without a second thought to propriety or anything really keeps John laughing all day. You just don't find this particular conversation amusing is all.
"Alright, alright," he finally says, wiping a tear from his eye. "Let's make a deal."
You side eye him. Hard. His deals are only fun for him. They usually end in humiliation or some other terrible emotion for you. "What deal?"
"I'll wear my glasses when we watch movies if yeh go put on that little red number I bought for yeh."
Oh. That's fair enough.

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