A day in the park(George)

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The sunshine was rosy and golden. It shown on the grass like each blade was delicately coated in glistening honey. Birds were singing melodic tunes that echoed through the grass field. Friar Park's gardens seemed to make anything seem possible. In those fields of green and bloom, magic was real, and happiness was eternal, especially when you had your sweet 4 year old child, and darling husband George by your side. The grass was soft, and comforting to the bottoms of your bare feet. So were the hands of the little boy- your little boy, that was tugging at your fingers.
"Mummy..." your son chimed. "When will Daddy get home?"
"Soon," you giggled, running your hands through Dhani's fluffy brown mane, smiling. His shimmering brown eyes, that reminded you so much of his father's gazed up at you, heart melting as you patted him gently on the head. As you began to sit down on the cool honey glazed grass you heard a slight warble, "Let's dance!"
Dhani's gentle hands grabbed at your wrists, attempting to pull you up with all his might. "Dhani, darling! You're so strong!" you played, as you pretended to be pulled up solely by his little arms alone. The portable suitcase styled record player laid in the grass, situated next to the stump of a giant oak tree the two of you were standing under. Brushing off your sundress, you walked over to the spinner, kneeling down, flicking through the few records you'd brought outside. "What do you fancy listening to, love?"
"Play the happy song! The happy song is just lovely!" Dhani giggled. His "happy song" was one of your favorites too. It was French, an instrumental piece full of accordions and having the timing of a waltz. "Alright, Dhani," you sighed with a smile. It had been some time since you'd spent an afternoon with your boy. It felt good to be back by his side.
When the record began to play, Dhani's face lit up. Swaying your hips to the music, you made your way towards him. Offering him your hand, and bowing subtly you ask, "Shall we dance, Monsieur?" Nodding, with a giant grin, Dhani enthusiastically took your hand and exclaimed, "My pleasure!"
With this, you twirled around in circles, trying to waltz to the beat of the accordion. The two of you laughing hysterically, you slowly began to dance more intensely. Squeezing his hands, you spun him around with a chuckle, your lips beaming. Drums were slowly incorporated into the song, causing Dhani to shake his head around. You laughed at his energy, as you continued to dance together. Letting go of Dhani's hands, you picked him up, as he wrapped his legs around you, twirling around with much enthusiasm.
Beginning to get dizzy, your vision became slightly blurred, as the the two of you toppled over in a mess of laughter. When you opened your eyes, you saw a very amused George standing over the both of you. "Having fun then, are ya?" George beamed. "DADDY!" Dhani hopped up, leaping into George's arms. Squeezing him tightly, George dropped his guitar case with a thud. "How was your dance, love?" George asked, pulling away from the hug.
"I loveeeeeeee dancing," Dhanni howled.
"Just like your mother," George looked to you with a cheeky smirk.
Dhani squirmed from George's arms, as George plopped him down onto the grass, scooping /you/ up for a greeting. "Hello, love." he whispered, wrapping his arms around your waist, and pecking your lips gently. "Need someone to provide more music?" he asked, pulling out his guitar. From the corner of your eye you saw Dhani delicately remove the needle from the spinning record, and place it to the side, "George... George..." you said softly, nudging his arm, "Do you see that? He's careful with his records."
George smiled, charmed by the fact you're so in awe of this random occurrence. "Well, he learns from the best I suppose," George spoke, looking at you lovingly. Blushing, you looked to him, before looking back to the sweet Dhani now running towards you. "Play Here Comes the Sun, daddy!"
"Only for you!" George teased. With this, beautiful melodies began pouring from his guitar, as he sat on the cool honey bathed grass, the light now filtering through the tree's leaves, casting glorious rosy gold shadows onto George's face and body. "Here comes the sun, do-do do-doo..." he sang. Dhani began to spin around, as you joined him, hands intertwined. The two of you swayed together, as George watched you both with full heart eyes.
As George finished playing, Dhani giggled and ran down the yard, chasing some imaginary creature. You sat next to your husband, joining him on the summer grass. "He's fantastic, you know..." George whispered, eyes full of pride. "It's not a surprise, since he has /you/ as a father," you looked to him, full of love. "More like having /you/ as a mother," he replied, reaching for your hand and placing a kiss on your wrist.
George trailing kisses up your arm, he sighed, "I love you, ya know." Running your hands through his hair you nodded, "I know. And I love /you/." As George placed kisses on your jaw and ear, he whispered, "I wouldn't mind making another one," You could feel a smile spread across his lips against your skin. For the rest of the afternoon the birdies chirped, you reminded each other of your love, and you watched your darling boy frolic amongst the imaginary creatures and honey crusted flowers.

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