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AUTHORS NOTE: this is my first fanfic please comment any things you want me to improve thank you x there is a few strong words in this book, so don't read if you don't like that kind of stuff


Thank you x


I walked out of my office wrapping my scarf around my chilly neck. It was the middle of winter and it was snowing. I love winter. I love the snow. In winter normal people would have hot chocolate in bed and watch movies, have snowball fights.

But not me. No, I'm not allowed out unless for shopping or work. That's what you get for having a boyfriend.

I walked out the building and ran to my car. I fumbled for my car keys in my bag and opened the door. I climbed in, put my bag on the passenger seat and turned the ignition on. The car rumbled to life and sped down the road trying not to be late home. I was already 15 minutes late.

I parked the car in the driveway and ran up the porch steps. I slipped the key into the hole an pushed open the door. I quietly shut the door behind me and tiptoed upstairs trying not to be heard by Jack. I think I managed it.

But I was wrong.

"HOLLY" Jack bellowed from the living room.

I walked into the room to see empty beer bottles scattering the coffee table in the middle of the room.

He was drunk, great.

"Sorry I'm late, I was kept back at work for a small meeting and I didn't realise I was going to be this late, please don't hurt me I'm sorry" I rambled on, cowering away from him.

He is scary when he gets like this.

"That's not an excuse" he said walking over to me "you will come home at 4:30 sharp everyday, don't be late again!" He shouted bringing his hand to my face.

I felt the sharp stinging pain spread across my right cheek. I clutched it with my hands to try and get the pain away.

"Now leave me alone." he said, drinking his beer again.

I did as I was told and walked into the kitchen to try and find an ice pack. There sure is going to be a mark there tomorrow.

I made me and Jack some dinner and put it on two plates. I went back into the living room to give Jack his and went back into the kitchen. I sat down at the table to eat mine and looked out the window.

We lived in a house just out of Central London, don't get me wrong, I love London but I wish I could just go out there and explore. My parents live in Canada so I can't go and see them unless they come here.

I sat there staring out my window until I finished my dinner. I put the plate in the sink to be washed tomorrow. I trekked up the stairs into my bedroom.

I changed into a pair of sweatpants and sweatshirt and walked into the bathroom. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and wiped all my make up off. I cleaned my teeth and got ready for bed.

I went back into my room and turned the light off. I stumbled around my room until I found my bed. I climbed in and went to sleep after putting my phone on charge.

A couple of hours went by before Jack stumbled into bed, waking me up, holding an empty beer bottle in his hand.

I faced the other side of the bed facing the wall so he couldn't see me.

"Worthless bitch" I caught him mumbling under his breath.

I always thought that I loved Jack. He was so sweet and kind to me when we first met but the last year has been hell. He first hit me when I was an hour late from work, I knew he had been drinking but that's not an excuse.

I knew I should of left him when he started hitting and kicking me twice a day. He sometimes uses me for sex, like one night I was sitting on the sofa watching TV and he stumbled in from the bar drunk as anything. He just grabbed my arm and pulled me upstairs and had sex, I didn't like it of course, he was hurting me and being too rough.

I just don't love him anymore.

He hastily threw his shirt off and pants to be only left in his boxers. He fell into bed and soon fell asleep due to his snoring.

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