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We were both just talking casually to each other for a good couple of hours before I noticed what the time was on the big wall clock.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry Niall I need to go" I said quickly gathering all my stuff together.
"That's okay, let me drive you home." He said politely.
"No no it's okay" I persisted. "I'll walk."
"No I insist." he said grabbing his thing and walking me out the door.

We reached his car, no surprise that it was a matte black jaguar. my mouth must of been hanging open because he just laughed at my expression.
"Come on" he chuckled.

I got into his car, putting my bag on the floor.
"Where do you live then?" He asked starting the car.
I told him the road a few behind my actual road, incase Jack saw him.
We got to the road in record time, seeing as the coffee shop was only round the corner.
I hopped out the car, grabbing all my stuff and said goodbye to Niall.
"See you soon Holly." he said before driving away.
I walked down the roads as fast as I could, seeing as I was already late.
I fumbled around my bag looking for my keys. I finally found them at the bottom of my bag, I slotted them into the lock and opened the door.
In front of me was not what I was expecting.
Ooh what do you think it is? ;)

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