False Tranquilities

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"Woah, why is everyone gathered around?" Peter asked as he stepped into the living room on the main floor at the Avengers tower with an apple in his hand.

"We are meeting a new fellow comrade today." Thor said with a big smile plastered on his face. Besides Thor, Steve, Tony, Wanda, Bruce and Natasha were present.

"What? And no one invited me?" Peter pouted jokingly as he sat on the couch and took a bite from his apple, putting his feet over the coffee table in front of him.

"Why are you even here? Don't you have to cross galaxies and steal stuff?" Tony rolled his eyes at the Star Lord.

"Well, technically I'm still stealing." Peter grinned as he pointed to the apple and took another bite.

"Nope, you're just lucky that I enjoy giving to charity." Tony countered but just as Peter was about to say something, the elevator doors opened and Fury entered with a young man walking next to him. (Refer to the attached image for the outfit you're wearing.)

You walked in nervously, trying hard that your steps wouldn't falter as you got into the luxuriously huge living room. Everyone stood up and you immediately recognised some of their faces. There they were- the mighty avengers. It was difficult to not feel intimidated.

Peter was taken aback by the very presence you walked in with. Was it your face? Your stance? Or your clothing choices, perhaps? Whatever it may have been, Peter could only think of one word- intoxicated. He felt something shimmer inside him as you walked in closer and he stood up just as the others did from the couch. One by one, everyone introduced themselves. Peter's turn came and he was, quite brutally, pulled out of his state of trance. "H-Hi... um... I'm the star lord." He stammered.

You smiled, "That's a bold choice." You said.

Peter's face reddened as he rubbed the back of his neck, looking down in embarrassment. Steve and the others quirked an eyebrow at the intergalactic theft. Peter, who was known for his outrageous confidence and charmingly rowdy personality, found himself crumbling and being pulled apart piece by piece as he looked into your eyes once more. And he loved every second of it.

You couldn't help but smile at the taller man who seemed to struggle with himself in front of you. He certainly was handsome, you noted. But what intrigued you the most was the unfathomable twinkle or something extraordinary in his eyes. You didn't listen to much of what Fury talked to the others about and neither did Peter. Stolen glances at one another and a mind full of curious thoughts left you both in a labyrinth of attraction, amusement and an unprecedented connection.

"You're in pain." Wanda stated nonchalantly as her eyes moved to yours.

"It's normal." Fury spoke for you. "His powers... are uncontrollable and are known to have done some damage but nothing as compared to the damage he himself receives. He's on sedatives so he shouldn't be much active." He stated and Peter was brought back from his chain of thoughts. He felt a sudden uneasiness at how Fury talked about your pain as nonchalantly as a box of cheerios.

To say Peter was perplexed at his own thoughts would be an understatement. He was utterly baffled at how a single look that you had passed his way had had such intense effect on him.

"I'm sorry." You said, out of reflex mostly.

"It's okay." Bruce smiled warmly at you. You smiled back at him.

"Is there anything else we should know?" Tony asked Fury.

"Well... he's quite dangerous but you'll get to know about it over the time." Fury said and your ears turned a deep shade of red. You you felt your eyes lower to your hands as Fury explained how you had damaged a lot of property at the SHIELD facility where you were formerly being kept. "It's only because the doctors have suggested that he should be encouraged to live somewhere he can call home and somewhere, well, less depressing and captive as the SHIELD facility that I have brought him here to live at the tower."

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