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"We've been here less than a day and we already have stupid people trying to sell us stuff," Jet complained as she hung upside down on the couch. Greg couldn't help but smile as his mother glared at her. She left briefly to answer the door and returned with four people who Greg guessed to be their neighbors. Who else would come to their house?

"Greg, Jet, Emily, this is Mr. and Mrs. New," she pointed to a middle-aged couple dressed in bland clothes and beat up shoes. They seemed tired as if they stayed up all night working. "This is Ms. Alice," she continued, this time directing her finger to the youngest of the four people. She had bright red hair and a colorful outfit with butterflies all across it. "And this is Mrs. Roberts," she said. Once more she redirected their attention to an old lady. In fact, she was the same old lady he had been watching earlier. She was frail and looked like if you tried fanning her she'd fall over.

"Oh please," Mrs. Roberts wheezed, "call me Ms. Jane.
"Hello," they all replied.
"Please, take a seat!" Mrs. Liz cried as she ushered her children off the couch and cleared the table. The three of them scrambled off the couch and found a place on the floor across from them.

"What were you all eating sweeties?" Ms. Jane asked trying to spark a conversation.
"Korean," Emily laughed.
"Sorry, but what's so funny?"
"No idea," she said instead of explaining that their mom thought it was Chinese

Mr. and Mrs. New sat upright as if they were uncomfortable. They were the type of people that you could instantly tell they were uptight and didn't want to have anything to do with young people. Or most people in general

"What is that awful smell?" He heard Mr. New whisper, but he wasn't quite quiet enough for no one to hear him.

"Can you smell it too? It started when you walked in the room." Jet snapped. Mrs. New glared at her. The intensity of her glare was a bit frightening. She looked like she was going to strangle Jet, but instead, she sat straighter and turned her nose up right. Mr. New followed suit. They reminded Greg of those snobby classy couples who thought they were better than everyone. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Jet scribble something on a napkin and pass it to him. He glanced it and tried not to laugh. Sloppily scrawled were the words: They remind me of the Malfoys, but lamer. Jet was always making Harry Potter references. They were, after all, a big influence of her childhood considering that their dad used to read the books to her every night.

"So Ms. Alice, what do you do?" Emily said cheerfully.

"I'm an elementary teacher at the local school. I've been teaching there for three years now. I'll be starting my fourth in August." Emily smiled. She always talked about wanting to be a teacher.

"I used to be a teacher as well. I taught high school at the local school for forty years before retiring with my husband Frank." Ms. Jane spoke up with a proud look I her face, "He worked in the military for a while along with- "Nobody wants to hear you and Frank's sob story again Jane." Mr. New butted in abruptly. "Yes of course sorry. My fault," Ms. Jane smiled. Ms. Jane didn't immediately seem upset or annoyed by these people, but you could see her shrink a little and grew quiet. Greg was taken aback by this. These people were so so rude. He could see that everyone else was surprised as well.

"What's Frank like?" Greg asked wanting to counteract Mr. New's comment. Why were they so spiteful?

"Oh he's sweet once you get past his grumpiness," Ms. Jane said, "He does have a soft spot for a good apple pie if you ever need to get through that thick head of his." Ms. Jane laughed to herself and made Greg grin. She was so sweet and sort of gave off this calming sensation. The way her voice was soft and how she smiled at you when you finished talking. She was the type of person who would keep listening to your story even after everyone has lost interest. There were not a lot of people like that anymore.

"Enough about us, what about you four? You are all lovely people, what's your story?" Ms. Jane said sitting up again. The room grew silent for a second and the air seemed stale until finally, Ms. Liz cleared her throat.

"Oh, well we used to live in a small city with lots of traffic and cars. It was quite noisy compared to here, but it was nice and both me and my husband Micheal had stable jobs and the kids were doing well in school. Unfortunately, my husband was in a fatal car accident and you know, we just thought it'd be nice to get away from the city. We've always talked about moving to a friendlier town once the kids went off to college," her breath got caught on her words and she grinned slightly while blinking back tears thinking about her beloved deceased husband.

"How sweet and I'm so sorry," Ms. Alice told her as she took Ms. Liz's hands into her own. She smiled and looked up at the whole family.

"My brother and I are hosting the Annual Neighborhood Backyard Bash this Saturday at 1:00. There will be barbecue and drinks. We have a pool that is open for everyone and we'll have a projector playing Disney movies. You are all welcome to come and there will be tons of other kids too. It'll be loads of fun," Ms. Alice told them getting excited.

"Oh, yeah, that sounds like fun. What do you think kids?" Ms. Liz asked. The three of them all nodded in agreement letting the salty moment pass and dissipate into nothing. "Yeah, we'll be there,"

Ms. Alice beamed. "I would give you our address, but just walk out side and you'll see where the party is,"

Mr. New stood up abruptly. "Great! More people at the party that is already super loud. I won't get a wink of sleep Saturday. Let's go Harriet. Good day to you all, we need to go make sleeping arrangements elsewhere for Saturday." And with that, the News marched out of their house. Not that Greg was complaining.

"Oh, look at the time!" Ms. Jane exclaimed frowning. "I too need to go, unfortunately. I promised Frank I wouldn't be long. He gets lonely." She stood up and Greg helped her to the door. "Thank you Greg. You are a very helpful young man. Here." She handed him a dollar. "For helping me."

"Ms. Jane I don't need this." He said trying to hand it back to him.
"Nonsense. Take the dollar. Never turn down money from your elders. After all, we're old and know best." She laughed to herself said goodbye and left Greg with his dollar. He stuffed it in his pocket and walked back to the others.

The children finished eating and were doing their own things when the heard Ms. Alice say: "I can't wait for Saturday. I have a new baby named Marlyn and you have not one but three amazing children. Maybe you could give me some tips?" Greg instantly knew Ms. Alice and his mom would be the best of friends.

"Of course! I love babies!" Ms. Liz squealed. And with that, the Fife family officially had a friend.

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