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It seemed like Saturday arrived weeks later when it was really just two days. Greg and his sisters had successfully unpacked all of their possessions in their rooms and were helping their mom with the kitchen when she told them to go get ready. Greg went back down the short hallway and slipped into his room. He looked at his closet of clothes and started to reach for a black shirt when a hand swatted at his.

"Child no." Jet said sternly standing with her hands on her hips giving him a look that a mom gives her child when she catches them eating biscuits before dinner. She shook her head in shame. "This is the first party we're going to in this town. I'm not letting you just wear plain black. You need to make a good first impression." She looked into his closet and frowned at all the black and gray shirts hanging neatly in a row. Quickly, she began shoving clothes aside and threw stuff behind her causing Greg duck until she found what she was looking for. Jet stood and handed Greg a red flannel shirt and jeans.

"You're welcome,"
"You just wrecked my room,"
"I just saved your life. Also don't forget you swimming shorts,"

Greg rolled his eyes at Jet as she left, but realizing she was right he put on the clothes she picked out. At his other school he had friends, but not many. Sure he would miss them, but was his chance to make some new friends and start over. Maybe this time he wouldn't be considered super lame. He also didn't forget to grab his swimming shorts.

When his sisters finally came out of their rooms Emily was wearing her favorite yellow dress. It was knee length with tiny white flowers all over and pockets. Emily always said pockets made things better. Jet on the other hand was dressed similarly to Greg (she liked it when they matched) with a red flannel shirt, but she was wearing denim shorts and today she decided to tie her hair up in a high ponytail and asked Emily to braid it.

"It been forever since you tied your hair up like this," Emily commented while concentrating, "Yeah well I guess I thought why not," Jet replied absentmindedly while picking lint off her shirt.

It was almost 1:00 and they had been sitting around for twenty minutes when finally Ms. Liz came out wearing a plain purple dress (her favorite color) with maroon tights and purple shoes.

"That's a lot of purple mom," Jet stated as she stood up from the couch "Well at least I don't look like a lumberjack," Ms. Liz laughed.


Ms. Alice was right. They didn't need to know the address. They walked outside and heard music coming from a little cookie cutter house's backyard. They walked across and then down the street past six houses and entered through the back gate. The yard was nicely groomed and the grass was trimmed. Not to mention huge. Children were running around and men were drinking beers and laughing while women talked and smiled. The grill was on and a tall man in a Hawaiian shirt and khaki shorts was manning it. Then a familiar person waved to them over from across the yard.

"I'm so glad you made it!" Ms. Alice rejoiced. She was wearing a flowery top with a read skirt. Ms. Liz hugged her before asking where her baby was.
"Marlyn is with my brother Derek," she said pointing to man that looked like Ms. Alice. Derek was indeed holding a baby while talking to another man. When Derek noticed them watching them he walked over.

"Hello," he said in a friendly manner. "My name is Derek. I haven't seen you all about, you must be the Fifes. I've heard so much about you in the last two days." He stretched out his free hand to Greg than Jet, Emily, and finally Ms. Liz. He gave her an extra smile.

"Derek give me back my child," Ms. Alice commanded with outstretched hands. He handed Marlyn over and they all crowded around her. She was wide awake and her eyes shone with curiosity. She seemed so pure and innocent.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2019 ⏰

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