Chapter 27

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Yvette's (POV)

I was totally hungry right now! We were just in the bus leaving to another venue where the lads will be interviewed then do a concert. They were on their phones! People and their phones theses days, I would be on my phone too if I HAD ONE!! I'm sad too that Jake left but I mean Michael will be doing stuff without his phone so I'll text him.

"You guys why are you on your phones a lot?" I asked raising my eyebrows. They completely ignored me and I groaned. I walked to Calum, he didn't notice me and I snatched the phone out of his hand. I did this with the other guys and they all shouted at me. I totally ignored them like they did me and ran towards my bunk as I hid all the phones in my suitcase.

"Yvette come back here and give me my phone back!" Ashton shouts. I laughed and walked out. They didn't even run for me, not even to look where I put their phones?

"I'm not gonna give it to you until you get me another phone." I told all of them. They all groaned and I smiled.

"Come on let's do something fun play some video games, watch a movie, play truth or dare something! You guys are always on your phone when you get in the bus!" I exclaimed. They only looked at me and sat on the couch. What are they mad at me now?

"Are you guys mad?" I asked clearly confused I didn't do anything wrong with them! Uugghhh they always do this! I get mad at them or them at me and I end up forgiving them really easily. Well not this time!

"Fine if you're mad, don't come looking for me for cuddles or anything cause I won't give anything to you." I told them and walked off. I got in my bunk and started reading TFIOS. I lasted for an hour in here and I'm getting hot. I won't crack first, they have too first.

I groaned really loudly. What am I gonna do? I need someone to talk to! I need Valerie, but I don't have her phone number and I totally need a hug right now. I feel so sad about Jake, Mum everyone that has left my life. I miss my Mum more importantly, she was the one that was always there, told me advice about boys, anything! I can talk to the lads about my Mum but not Jake. They think I moved on from him but I haven't and I probably won't.

*Calums' POV*

We can't crack first, she has to! I can see that Ashton, Luke and Michael are about to crack and run to Yvette. I want to too it's not like I don't, it's just she pisses me off sometimes. There I said she pisses me off sometimes just about Jake though. It doesn't sound like she has moved on from Jake. She just doesn't understand that I'm trying to help her from a broken heart.

I don't want her ever to be broken inside. I don't want to buy her a phone either. She'll find out what the fans say about her and then she'll text Jake! I know that she has his phone number still, I was sitting right next to him when he gave it to her. It's just she doesn't understand!! Don't think that I like her, she's my sister, it's just that it makes me jealous that she won't have anytime for us if she finds a boyfriend to hang out with all the time.

"Guys what are we gonna do?" I asked them. They shrugged and nodded a no.

"What do you mean no? we don't buy her a phone?" I asked them.

"I don't know actually, I don't want her to see what the fans are saying on twitter or texting Jake." Luke said. That was the exactly what I was thinking.

"Then what do we do?" Ashton asked. Michael is so quiet does he knows something we don't.

"Michael what do you think we do, buy her a phone or no?" I asked. He only shrugged not looking up at us.

"Then what do we do?" Luke and Ashton asked getting on with what I was doing. He's been the most quiet when we talk about Jake or something like this.

"Why do you ask me? I don't hold all the answers." He said and looked up.

"Do you know something we don't?" Luke asked skeptically looking at him.

"No! Why do you think I know something?" Michael asked clearly offended. Hmm I don't believe him, I still feel like he knows something.

"Ok Man chill, we just thought ok." I said and made him sit down again.

"Ok so what do we do?" I asked again.

*Michaels' POV*

That was a close one but they suspect I know something. I do and it's about me letting her use my phone and everything for Jake. I'm always quiet when we talk about him, I mean if he breaks Yvette's heart then I break him simple as that. I can see that he's a caring guy, so I accept them but not a lot I still feel like Jake is keeping something from Yvette. I have an idea though.

"Maybe we just ask her for our phones? And if she doesn't then she's gonna get another grounding." I told them, they only nodded and went to the top bunk where she was reading.

"Yvette give us our phones back." Luke demanded.

"No." She answered, putting the book down.

"Why not?" Calum asked.

"I already told you, Ashton broke my phone and it's not fair that I just look at you guys sticking your heads in your phones all the time." She told us. Ashton groaned.

"Look I'm sorry that I broke it, but we aren't getting you a phone." Ashton replied.

"Then you aren't gonna get your phones back." Yvette shrugged. Calum exploded and grabbed Yvette out of the bunk and threw her on the couch.

"Look here missy, enough playing games you are gonna give us our phones back and you are gonna like it, we aren't gonna get you a phone because you are grounded for the rest of the summer and you are gonna stay by our sides the whole time, if we are in a interview Niall is gonna be a babysitter for you in the dressing room, if you are gonna act like a baby you are gonna be treated like one!" Calum exclaimed. God I haven't seen Calum like this since, there hasn't been a time Calum is mad. He's always so calm. Right now I couldn't actually believe Calum exploded like that.

"Fine whatever." Yvette stomped passed us and to her bunk.

"Don't talk to me like that!" Calum shouted.

"Whatever!" Yvette shouted and came back with the phones and handed them to me. She looked really pissed off, I can't blame her I would be too.


A/N: So here it is sorry it took so long I was at LA the whole day and well no luck in finding 5Sauce but I wasn't looking for them I was actually visiting my family but it's not hard to try 👍! LOVE YOU LATERS!

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