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Check my profile for the trailer!
Hello my name is Christiaphalti! You an call me Chris for short. Welcome to the world of Henther, a world full of magic and wonder. Before I allow you to pass fully into the world you will need to be aware of our laws so that you may live in peace from our goddess Ishaniamila.

Rule #1
No swearing

Rule #2
Keep it PG

Rule #3
No bullying

Rule #4
Don't kill anyone's character without  permission

Rule #5
Sorry no LGBT I'm not any better than any of you who practice that, but I'm not comfortable allowing that in my book.

Rule #6
No God Modding. The only time a character is allowed to be Godlike is when the goddess speaks to you (if ever but goddess Ishaniamila will probably not fight so...)

Rule #7
No text language u guyz it's nt cool mk?

Rule #8
What's your favorite song?

Goddess Ishaniamila, guide Christiaphalti, and priestess Ishaniamila are NPCs played only by @Filia_Dei their full bio is in the chapter titled "Filia's NPCs"

So now that you are up to speed on the people who run the place I want you to understand the roles that you can have!

There are four kingdoms you see and they each need several places filled. Some of these are good and some are bad, you decide which!

By the way!
Kings and queens make important decisions! They get to control the army, they can even wage war! Most importantly they are in charge of coming up with quests for the "Royal quest guild" in their kingdom!
Royal advisors can also send quests to the Royal quests guild!
The crown prince/ss can also do this or they can join the guild!
The general gets to be in charge of the captains and tell them where their troops are needed and what they need to accomplish. He also gets to join the fight if he wishes.
Captains are in charge of individual troops.
Army men are the troops that go and fight for their kingdoms!
Palace guards can protect the royalty from invasion from other kingdoms or from the many neighboring monster tribes.

Kingdom Skirlan
Home to the dragons and trolls this mountainous kingdom is known for mining precious stones and metals. It's battle strategies are often more based on strength than skill.



Crown prince/ss-(open)

Royal advisor-(open)

General of the Royal army-(open)

Captains of the Royal army-(0/3)

Palace guards-(0/5)

Army men-(o/unlimited)

Royal quests Guild leader-(open)
see "Guilds" chapter.

Shop owners[your character can be a shop owner and anything except royalty]-0/unlimited
See your kingdom's marketplace for open shops or comment on that chapter to set up your own.

Kingdom Nethrand
This kingdom has a strange forest with treacherous obstacles such as quick sand, poisonous plants, venomous animals and...... Basalisks. On the edges of this Forest of Doom are the towns and capital. Mostly known for its mercenaries, assassins, and hired thieves. Battle strategies usually focus on stealth and spy work.

 Henther: Fantasy RoleplayWhere stories live. Discover now