Filia's NPCs

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Name: Ishaniamila
Age: none
Gender: Female
Race: goddess
SHORT bio: she created the univers and can decide who gets to be in it, and what they get to do
Appearance: not really a constant hight. Thin. Purple. Purple. Stark white. pointed ears and dragonfly type butterfly shaped wings. Full white cloak dress.
Skill set: all of them.
Weaknesses:none of them.

Name: Christiaphalti
Age: 700
Gender: female
Race: fairy
SHORT bio: she was made by the goddess to guide spirits into the world from other worlds.
Appearance: 8" really thin. Blue ,blue ,blue, blue lace like butterfly shaped wings. A blue rose shaped into a dress
Skill set: she knows all about the world and knows a lot about the goddess
Weaknesses: she is silly and won't fight in battles.

Name: Priestess Ishaniamila or Shani
Age: 16
Gender: female
Race: half elf half nymph
SHORT bio:raised by farmers had to make her own way in life she got a shop doing ritual magic(alchemy magic)
Appearance:6'2".thin.Violet black. violet.Ivory.Pointed ears.really long hair.dark green dress split for riding + leggings.white dress after the goddess'
Skill set: ritual magic, alchemy, archery(kinda), sword(not really).
Weaknesses: weakness to magic unless she casts a shield spell on herself. Weakness to poison, weakness to alcohol, gets tired when she does spells.

Name: Handiaklamina or Klamina
Age: 500
Gender: Female
Race: mermaid
SHORT bio: she lives in the glass pond and will grant you a wish if you do her a favor
Appearance: 5'4" thin aqua Aqua Aqua,fish tail, her scaled cover her all the way up to a sweatheart neckline
Skill set: she can grant wishes
Weaknesses: she can't do anything else

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