Corridor B

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 Some angst in this chapter but don't worry, everything gonna be alright.

Dean had been waiting in this bloody corridor for about an hour. There he was, staring at his hands. Elbows resting on his knees. Fingers twisting in anxiety. He was looking up, in anticipation, each time a nurse came by; but none of them would talk to him, overwhelmed by the emergencies coming in endlessly.
He took a deep breath and tried to swallow the lump in his throat, the one he had felt since that blasted phone call.
Everything around reminded him of Tessa... the calls in the speakers, the tears, the patients cries echoing the doctors and nurses' voices, even the smell that wouldn't fade away...
« I beg you, My Love, wherever you are... please protect him from up there... We can't live without him... I... I couldn't, Tessa »
He felt the tears coming out of his eyes and his composure collapsing. He buried his face in his hands.
« Goddammit Cass ! » he squeezed his hair real hard, trying not to scream out of rage, to avoid insulting God, his last hope.
« Mr Winchester ? » A man's voice called.
He raised his head, promptly wiping the tears with the palm of his hands.
« Yes » He stood up.
« I'm Doctor Gabriel... » The man said, extending a hand. « I've been assigned to your friend upon his arrival here.»
« How is he ? » Dean replied as he absent-mindedly shook the doctor's hand.
« He's OK... Don't worry... He's out of danger. »
« Dammit! » He said, stroking his hair and pacing nervously, trying not to unleash his anger.
« Can I see him ? »
« He's currently in RR ; you'll be allowed to see him as soon as he's transferred to IC. » the doctor replied with a smile.
« Why IC? » Dean's face suddenly went pale.
« We need to monitor his condition during the next 24 hours ; current procedure. Don't worry. »
« What the hell happened ? » Dean was begging for an answer. « Nobody told me anything. I've been cooling my heels and nobody would tell me squat ». Dean sounded really pissed and useless.
« From what I heard, your friend has been assaulted as he was leaving a reception or a party »
« Assaulted? »
« Your friend is gay, isn't he ? » the doctor eyes were looking into the depths of Dean's.
« So wh... » He suddenly understood. « Are you telling me... You mean, he was the victim of a... a homophobic aggression, is that what you're trying to tell me ? » his face froze in disbelief.
« From what Mr Novak told the police officers before being transferred here, it looks like it, indeed... Apparently he was attacked by two men in an alley. A local resident was alerted by the noise; he called the police and put the assailants to flight... »
« Shit ! » Dean let out as he dropped on his chair.
« Unfortunately, I'm confronted with this kind of situation in Emergencies more and more often...Your friend was very lucky. That guy in the alley probably saved his life. Your friend owes him one.»
« Pardon ? » he looked at the doctor with even more disbelief in his eyes.
« He has a cracked rib but most seriously two rib fractures. One of the ribs penetrated the left lung causing a pneumothorax. We had to operate »
« Pneuno...what ? » Dean seemed to be lost
« Pneumothorax.» the doctor repeted. « He also suffers from a slight concussion and several hematoma on his back. If they had hit a few more blows, his condition could've been a lot more serious.» He went on.
« But... » Dean's voice was nothing but a whisper.
« According to the witness, it seems that they hit him even when he was already lying on the ground. »
«But why? » Dean was somehow disconnected from the conversation. « I need some fresh air....I gotta get outa here.» He pushed the doctor away and walked straight ahead. He ended up in the waiting room.

The words seemed to resonate in his head like an echo, again...
He felt like crying but the tears wouldn't flow. In his mind, yesterday's memories were mixed with today's fear.
He remembered Tessa's face, even if the only souvenirs of her were now pictures and from time to time a forgotten dream... he was staring at nothing and saw her smile. Then he heard the echo of Castiel's laugh in a deep warm voice.
He suddenly felt a pressure on his arm, he startled and raised his eyes. Bobby had arrived, Bobby was here with him!
« Bobby... » He hugged him, as if he wanted to stay in his embrace forever.
Bobby gently patted him in the back.
« It's gonna be all right, son »
He heard Dean sniffle and gently pushed him away. The emotions were back in control again. He had to, there was no time to fall to pieces... not now...
« Where are the kids ? »
« As soon as Chad called, Jo went at your place. She called me immediately afterwards.»
« Thanks, Bobby. »
« You look like shit. Let's go for a coffee » he said as he pulled his sleeve.
« No... I'll stay here. »
« Dean !»
« No Bobby. »
« OK then... I'll go get some caffeine supplies. »
« I'll be waiting for you in corridor B »
« I'll be back...Call your kids. They're worried sick. »
« OK, I'll call them »
« Call them NOW, Dean... » Bobby ordered.
Dean walked to the reception. He tried not to show his impatience and remained silent until the nurse hung up the phone.
« May I help you ? »
« Yes, I'm Dean Winchester... My friend, Castiel Novak, is in recovery room. I need to go out and make a phone call... If in the meantime, something.... »
« If anything happens, we'll come and inform you right away » she replied with a smile.
« Thank you. »
He gave a final glance at corridor B, at that double door which was closed for now. He went out.
Jo picked up the phone...

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