Like strangers

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Notes : be careful, lot of  jump in time in this chapter.

It'd been about a week since Balty had introduced Zeke to Castiel.
He was sitting next to Bryan on the couch, cuddled up against him... looking perplexed.
« What's the matter with you tonight ? » Bryan gently pulled away from him, looking genuinely worried.
« I just wonder how much time this jerk will be able to keep going like this before he realized.» He frowned.
« You haven't given up yet with this, right ? » Bryan closed his eyes, feeling annoyed.
« How do you know he's gonna realize? Maybe he's just happy that Castiel found a new companion... After all, he's found Lisa for himself, right ? »
« He doesn't love her »
« YOU don't like her, that's not the same»
« I'm telling you : he doesn't love her » he stood up, unable to conceal his irritation.
« Balty...Have you ever noticed how upset you are ? Let them live their lives... they seem happy with what they have, don't they? » he sank into the armchair.
« I've known Castiel for almost eight years and I can assure you he's completely crazy about his Dean and this stupid hetero jerk is equally mad about his gay roommate » he said, raising his voice.
« Balty » Bryan seemed to take offense.
« What ? Sorry, when I'm furious, I tend to turn into a non-tolerant hetero moron... » he paced across the living room, obviously ranting.
« No kidding » he replied, crossing his arms.
« Did you hear what your brother said ?» he was looking for some support to his convictions.
« Yes, I did » Bryan finally confessed, pulling up one leg against his chest, looking at his lover with tenderness.
« Don't even think about it... I'm not in the mood today »
« Why not today ? » he raised a questioning eyebrow.
« Zeke invited him in a restaurant... He'll probably bring his « A » game» he waved his arms in the air, unable to contain his anger.
« At least, he seems to care for him.... So, it's their third date in a week, isn't it ? It's almost a record » Bryan said with a smile.
« Stop parading like a peacock.
« I'd like to remind you that YOU were to one who introduced them to each other. So don't you start blaming me. I don't wanna play the scapegoat and be the one to blame for your frustrated matchmaker tricks » Bryan sounded a bit irritated too now.
Balty looked down.
« Sorry, Babe. I didn't mean to pick on you but... this is eating me... I know they're meant for each other»
« Did it ever cross your mind that you might be wrong ? That Castiel loves Dean but that he also learned to cope with Lisa's arrival and that Zeke could be the opportunity he was looking for to move on ? Maybe you helped him after all... Isn't it what you wanted ? For him to be happy? »
« It's pissing me off » he whispered. « Why did I introduce him, goddammit ? » he ran his fingers through his hair.

He raised his eyes and tried to make eye contact with his friend.
« If you had been there last Sunday, you'd know I'm right. What hurts me most is that I probably screwed it all. I should have made Dean become aware Lisa isn't the one for him... I should have told him everything regarding Castiel... I should have told him everything»
« Balty » he stood up and walked towards him.
« You'd have torn this family to pieces with such a confession... just let time do its work... »
« I've done that for almost eight years »
« Eight years... And it hasn't got to your brains yet ? Dean isn't ready to cross that line... providing he loves Castiel. The bare fact that he's a man represents an impassable obstacle for him... So yes, I'm ready to admit that there might be... no that there IS » he corrected « something more than just friendship between the guys. Yet not everybody is capable of moving forward as you did... especially if the idealized memory of his wife is still so vivid in his mind »
« What about Castiel ?» he looked desperate.
« Castiel has known for a long time and that's what he's been trying to make you understand all these years»
Balty gently put his hand on Bryan's cheek. He leaned and softly put his forehead against his.
« If Dean stays with Lisa and if Castiel... » he suddenly interrupted. « That would mean that this family will be altered forever.. And I just can't resolve to that »
« You must... That's the way it is... Choices of life»
Balty kissed him tenderly.
« I want Dean share with him what I'm sharing with you... I want Castiel be loved by Dean because he's the only man for him and God knows I'm right»
« God? » Bryan moved away and put his hand on Balty's, still on his cheek.
« God or me... What's the difference ? » he smiled.
« You are stubborn as a mule with a heart of gold and that's why I love you»
«That and many other reasons » he added in a salacious tone.
« I thought you were not in the mood today! »
« I wasn't, but I have a feeling you're gonna help me change my mind » he kissed him passionately.
Bryan was whispering in his ear.
« I finally tamed you, my beautiful stallion... Why would Castiel fail to do the same with Dean ? »
Balty pulled away from his embrace.
« What are you thinking about? » he frowned.
« If I had to make one last desperate attempt to win a lost battle, I think I'd risk everything»
Balty looked at him for a while and started to smile.
« Do you think that Castiel is trying to make him... jealous ? »
« I don't know... just a hunch. Have you ever thought of it ? » He seemed genuinely surprised by Balty's reaction, as the latter had never thought of that option.
« I thought you meant he wanted to move on ».
« Only fools never change their mind » he said with a smirk.
« Jerk ! You hit on purpose where it hurts»
« Despite what you think, my beautiful stallion, you no longer have secrets for me »
« You're gonna pay for this.... and I hope you're right »
« About what ? Your breaking or Dean's? »
« Shut up, Cow-boy » he kissed him.
« You're asking so gently » he pushed him against the wall, a hand on his crotch.
« Hold it ! Be gentle with the merchandise... » Balty gently pushed him away, laughing.
He stared at him for a while.
« I never thought I'd say it to someone one day »
« What ? Shut up » Bryan was laughing as his hand crawled under his t-shirt.
Balty closed his eyes when he felt the touch on his skin, but held his hand.
« Bryan... I'm serious» he had a hard expression on his face.
« Tell me » Bryan's eyes were full of desire.
« I love you »
They looked at each other in silence, in an attempt to read the other one's soul.
In response, Bryan captured Balty's lips, kissed them greedily, tasting his lover's smile against his own lips.

He woke up on the couch, half-naked, snuggled up against his lover's torso. He ran his hand through Bryan's short hair , held him tighter and inhaled his smell. He turned his head and looked at the mantelpiece. He thought of Castiel. He suddenly felt a twinge of sorrow as he thought of all the moments they had spent together... Confessing what he felt for Bryan put an end to this strange relationship he had had with Castiel and it hurt. He missed Castiel's body, his smell, the taste of his skin... His voice, his ocean-blue eyes... But he had finally made a choice. It was time for him to settle down.
« Babe » he finally said, doing his best to hold back the tears.
« I'd love to... » He took a deep breath, hiding his forehead under his arm.
« I'll never let you down » He feel asleep again to the sound of his lover's calm breathing.

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