He'll always be the only one

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Pay attention several "back in time" in this chapter...

On their second date, Zeke invited Castiel to the premiere of Shakespeare's Othello on Wednesday night.
Castiel had rarely attended a theater play or even a concert; therefore it was an opportunity he was too happy not to miss.
« Dean...Did you plan anything on Wednesday night? » he started out during breakfast.
« No. Why d'you ask ? »
« Zeke has invited to me go and see a play »
« Zeke ? » Dean replied on a tone a lot sharper than he intended.
« He's your new lover? » Jewel asked, staring right at him.
« Er... no, Sweetie. We're just friends.»
« Yet you have gone out twice this week... That conference on Monday and now Othello» Dean couldn't help but phrasing the obvious.
« Sure. But it doesn't mean anything. You're going out with Becky every two weeks, that doesn't mean...»
« Help me God » Dean abruptly interrupted him, raising his hands. « If it were up to me, I'd skip that part. » he added, sipping his coffee.
« She's nice » Castiel insisted.
« She's a pain in the butt. I wish Chuck would screw her for good so she'd leave me in peace»
« Dean ! » he shouted, wide-eyed, nodding at the children.
« So what ? Can you imagine the hell I'm going through ? She can't help putting her hands on me all the time » he made a face.
The children started to laugh.
« Why isn't Chuck telling her what he feels for her... It's been a while they've known each other »
« He's afraid to get turned down... which may actually happen » Dean winked at him. « I'm rather handsome, compared to him» he added with a big smile on his face.
« And very modest, to say the least » Castiel smiled in turn. « So for Wednesday, may I tell him it's ok ? »
Dean sighed and sank into his chair.
« Go and watch that bloody play if that's what you want...I'll take care of the kids... Anyway, I'm so tired these days that all I can do is to collapse on the couch at night »
« Thanks Dean... I owe you one. Just tell me when you want me to return the favor when you wanna go out with Lisa »
« OH SHIT » Dean shouted, raising up. « Lisa... She's been trying to reach me for the last two days. Dammit! With all that damn work... »
His phone rang.
« Speak of the devil » Castiel said.
Dean let out a deep breath and nodded it wasn't her.
« Hi Kevin »
Castiel took the opportunity to gently chase the children out of the kitchen and started to clean the table.
« No, listen Kevin, I know but we're overworked right now, man... » he said, rubbing the back of his neck. « Hmmm...Yeah... I'll call him, I'm sure he'll give us a hand.... »
He took his cup from Castiel's hands, showing it was still half full.
« It's cold » the latter whispered. Dean nodded he didn't care.
« Yeah yeah, I hear ya... Everyone in here hears ya, by the way, lower the tone or you're gonna make me deaf » he said with a big sigh. « I'll call Bobby and I'll let you know. In the meantime, tell that lady client that we can't promise anything. There are other cars we need to fix first» he added, sipping his coffee.
He winced. Castiel took the cup from his hands, emptied it in the sink and poured another fresh cup.
Dean thanked him with a smile.
« I'll come in 30 minutes... I just need to drop the kids to school and I'll be there in no time »
Castiel pointed at himself, meaning he was ready to take care of the children.
« You're sure ? »
« Yes. Go ahead... I'll drive them. »
« Listen, Kevin... I'm leaving the house now and I'll be right there... Yeah, I know... » he raised his eyes to the ceiling.
« I'll call as soon as you hang up... Thanks... Yeah, sure.» he flipped his phone close.
« Sorry, man » he stood up.
« You know it's ok with me. I'll drive the kids to school during the whole week, if that helps you deal with your agenda more easily? »
« I love you » Dean tapped on his arm. « What would I do without you? » he walked out of the kitchen.
« Same here » Castiel answered, as he finished cleaning the table.
« DEAN...DON'T FORGET... » too late, he heard the door bang. « Lisa » he finished in a whisper.


Snow invited itself the next Wednesday...
Dean was sitting in the armchair, watching the news, when he heard the doorbell.
Chadwick stood up to open the door, followed by Apache's eyes.
« Hi » Zeke happily said, hitting his boots against the outside wall to get rid of the snow.
« Hi » the boy invited him in.
Zeke walked towards Dean.
« Good evening »
« Hi » Dean replied, still staring at the TV screen.
Chadwick disappeared in the kitchen, leaving Zeke standing alone in the middle of the living room.
« You can sit down, ya know... My furniture never ate anybody » Dean claimed.
« Thanks» Zeke took off his coat. For the first time, Dean looked up at his visitor, one leg crossed on the other, heel on his knee, one hand on his heel.
He was obviously all dressed up, which raised some suspicion in Dean's mind.
« So, theater tonight ? »
« Yes...Othello »
« Great » Dean snapped with disdain.
« It's a classic »
« I'm sure it is » he said, looking back again at the TV screen.
« Castiel is not around ? »
« Sure, he is... He's taking care of Jewel. She wanted to finish a puzzle... He's got a lot more patience than me for this kind of stuff »
« I've noticed he's very fond of the kids»
« No really? » Dean was having fun with this. « He actually loves my kids only.. He's kept repeating this for the last ten years... He doesn't want any of his own anyway »
« Oh » Zeke seemed surprised.
« Is that a problem ? » Dean watched him out the corner of his eye.
« Not at all... »
« Tell me, what's your play about, anyway ? » he turned his head to face him, yet peeping at the TV screen from time to time.
« It's about jealousy and murder »
« Doesn't sound like much fun to me »
« No it doesn't» Zeke started to laugh. « Dean !... May I call you Dean? »
« Of course. Why ? Did you intend to call me Mr. Winchester ? » Dean straightened up.
« Does... Does Castiel have someone in his life... The point is, each time I try to raise the subject, he ... eludes it »
Dean's face went emotionless.
« There is Balty, but he isn't what you could call someone in his life... Actually, they've seen each other less and less since Balty developed a crush for his Cow-boy »
« Really ? » Zeke sounded genuinely surprised.
« Really.... You see, it's never too late to find a suitable match. Besides, you gotta admit this goddam Balty tried a lot of combinations in the past » he smiled with tenderness.
« Castiel is free then » Zeke looked down.
Dean didn't answer... He kept staring at Zeke who was smiling a blissful smile.
« Let's get this straight, Zekie »
The latter raised his head, surprised by the tone in Dean's voice.
« May I call you Zekie?» he asked with a faint smile stretching his lips.
« If you like » he felt a bit on the defensive.
« Cass has had a rough year »
He read on Zeke's face he didn't know what Dean was talking about, surprisingly, Dean felt relieved and happy about it... Castiel hadn't said anything to Zeke...
« He went through ... whatever... » Dean's hand brushed the words away.
« If you wanna commit any further, you need to go easy on him... Castiel is a nice guy and I won't let anyone hurt him, you got that ? » Dean said, leaning towards Zeke.
« It was not my intention to hurt him in any way »
« It isn't anyone's intention » he replied, feeling tensed.
« Anyone ? » Zeke's eyes were asking for some explanation.
« Never mind. Just watch out... I wouldn't hesitate to kick your ass if you let anything bad happen to him...Capice ? » Dean leaned back and watched the news again.
« Capice » Zeke finally said in a low voice, feeling completely at a lost by Dean's reaction.
« You're rather patronizing regarding Castiel »
« I am with my whole family... But Cass... With Cass it's different. So don't hurt him if you value your pretty face, OK?... I'd rather not offer you a nose job, you seem like a nice guy » he said, stretching his arms and standing up.
« You want a beer ? »
« Er... a... what ? »
« A beer, man... You know, a beverage with bubbles and foam»
« Yes please, thank you » Zeke nervously rubbed his hands on his pants.
« I'll get you one ....Cass shouldn't be long now »
« Long ? »
« Yeah... the puzzle... at Marissa's, Jewel's friend » he went to the kitchen.
Zeke stared at the empty armchair.
« This should be interesting » he said to himself, checking his watch.

Castiel returned less than fifteen minutes later.
« Daaaaaaaaaaaad ! » Jewel shouted, rushing in her father's arms.
« Hi Pumpkin. Did you finish this puzzle ? »
« Yes, we did... Marissa is gonna put it on a board with John and hang it on her bedroom wall»
« See? She liked your gift» he smiled at his little girl.
« Yes she did» she turned to Zeke.
« Hi »
« Hello »
« Hi Zeke »
« Cass » Zeke put his beer on the coffee table and stood up.
Dean's face tensed, Castiel's as well.
« Do I have time to get changed ? »
« Sure... The play starts in one hour... I thought we could go and have a drink first »
« Why not? » Castiel asnwered as we was already heading upstairs.
« Gimme five minutes »
« Rather fifteen » Dean snapped with a click of his tongue.
« DEAN... I heard you »
« He's got a sharp ear too... You'd better be careful » Dean said, shrugging his shoulders and finishing his beer.

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