Chapter 3:Realization

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          After Kat's words reached our earsthere was a moment of silence. It felt like our world as we knew it was beginning to fall apart and we were at the center waiting to be torn apart. No one expected something to happen like this and I'm sure Kat and Jake did not. "How did they die?" Kaleb asked. "They were bitten by someone I don't know who but I took care of it." Jake said struggling to get the words out. "Well then if they got to your parents and you guys dont live in the center of the city it's probably safe to say mine are gone too. My dad I dunno my mom probably we live not far from school from the initial outbreak that we witnessed. We still don't know what's going on." I say quietly but assuringly. "I'll check your's and my house I'll text you a confirmation or not." Kaleb says. I nod and thank him silently before handing him the keys to my challenger. He looks at me hesitantly because I never let anyone drive let alone even sit in the driver's seat. "It will make the journey faster." Is all I say. I text my dad saying if he doesn't respond I will assume whatever is happening has gotten to him and I love you and I will try and make it as far as I can. I send it to my mom as well sorry that we spent most of my teenage years fighting. "While Kaleb is gone we need to gather supplies. The TV in the living room was showing some news telling everyone to evacuate maybe we need to go. Let's take what we can and get out." Kat says. Jake and I agree and we go into Kat's house taking anything we can and putting it in a duffel bag we found in her brother's room. We do this silently but effectively not leaving a morsel untouched. I know it's vital to our survival that we are not short on resources.

          When we finish Kaleb pulls up to the driveway. As he steps out of the car there are noticeable tears on his face. He reaches us and as he gives his keys to me I look to him and see not sadness but a hatred expression on his face. "What happened?" I ask not expecting his facial expression. He looks at me for a second before speaking, "Both of our houses weren't hit by a crowd of these infected people rather the doors were kicked open and both our parents were murdered and most of the food is gone. They were raided without warning." He says rage in his voice. As the words come to life and sink in to me I realize that whats happening the situation is a lot more serious then a simple infection that can be contained by the CDC. This was literally going to be survival of the fittest. Suddenly I feel most of myself dying on the inside knowing what had just happened. I look at my friends realizing we were all participating in a moment of silence. "Guys I know what is happening is happening quickly and we are still young. But I don't think what's out there or anyone like us will show us mercy. We need supplies and guns. It may sound far fetched but I fear things can only get worse from this. Now what do we have now?" I said struggling to speak but still doing so needing to get the point out. "We have food that's pretty much it. I found a two pistols in my parents room." Kat says. "Alright thats good give me one and you and Jake will keep the other. You guys need to go to Jake's house and gather more food. Also our sneakers will get worn quickly change into boots. It seems more practical to have sneakers but boots are far more better in any conditions we may encounter." I say telling them. "Well it's a good thing I expected us to need to get out of here. I got your boots Phillip and your switchblade. I also got my own boots." He says as he goes to the backseat and pulls out a plastic bag containing them. I quickly change into the shoes and slide the knife into my pocket. "Alright well it looks like the next clear step is preparation for anything that may get in our way. We can't show others mercy that will not return the favor if they had an advantage over us." Is all I say before Jake and Kat get into their car. "Where do you want to meet?" Jake says. "After you guys get food and what not me and Phillip are going to a gun store and stock up on ammunition and more guns. Then I'll send a text and meet you all at harwood." Kaleb says. I'm glad that he says this because I had no plans. Kaleb and I get into my car and we drive off.

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