Chapter 5:Understanding

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   Upon reaching Harwood Kaleb and I rushed out of the car panting running up to Kat and Jake. "Dude something just happened I have no idea how to explain it Melanie and Cydney-" Kaleb said rushing the words out of his mouth before Kat raises her finger signaling him to be quiet. "Alright slowly tell us what happened." Jake said calmly. After the events were explained we all had to take a seat semi in shock. "I think I know what to call these things." Kat said breaking the silence. I looked up at her, "What is it? They are just people running around like they have rabies. The CDC could probably fix it. Hopefully" I say my hopes dying out with the last words. I knew if my so called friends would resort to trying to kill me things were beyond control. "The Undead." Kat said quickly and quietly. "Why do you say that? We saw people coming after us that we had classes with the same day." Kaleb said rolling his eyes. "Well that's because you haven't heard what happened to us before we got here." Kat said ignoring the rolling of eyes. "Well what happened" Kaleb said anxious to hear what happened. 

-----------------------------------------------Three hours ago Jake's POV-------------------------------------------------

   I watched Kaleb and Phillip drive off before turning my attention to Kat. "I know what just happened. But we can't change it we have to keep moving. Getting supplies to survive what we don't know is happening is important." I said choking to get the words out. She just looks at me quietly tears falling from both of our faces. I didn't want to show my tears to Kaleb and Phillip and I feel as if Kat didn't either considering we both held it in. "But I want to give them a proper burial you know so at least they are put to rest." Kat said straightening up as she said it perhaps trying to get it together. "Alright you are right let's put them in the back of the trunk get supplies then meet them." I said calmly trying to restrain myself from full out balling. 

     It took around thirty minutes to carry them all to the trunk. It took so long because I felt horrible carrying my dead parents to put in the pack of the trunk. I had to take many breaks. But finally as I loaded up the last body I saw Andrew's (Kat's brother) shirt shift and it revealed to look like a tiny tooth indent. I completely ignore it considering it was probably one of Kat's many cats. Then we drive off in complete silence. A thirty minute drive of pure silence. As soon as we reached my house we got out the car and shut it. I heard the thud as I walked out and opened the door with my keys. However before stepping in I hear what seems to be a moan. Probably a stray cat or something of that nature is what force that comes to my mind and it is quickly disregarded. I leave the door open and prepare to grab any non perishable items we have. If we have time we will grab the stuff that will spoil quickly I decide. But the main objective is this.

   For the next hour Kat and I scrounge through my house in complete silence looking for things from toothpaste, to brushes, to food, to blankets. Anything that will help. "Alright that's everything we need. I'll get the remaining blankets from the basement. You can get in the car and wait for the text." I say. She nods and heads to the front door coming out of the kitchen as I descend down the stairs. That's when I hear something that I thought would be the least of all things to hear. "Andrew you're alive?" Kat screams. I quickly rushed up the steps and into the hallway to see what I thought was Kat's dead brother standing by the door. But something is off about him. He seems paler and his eyes look as if he is daydreaming. That's when he moans and I realize that was him I heard earlier. I rush up to him and pull his collar back and I look into a full blown bite mark. Something or someone had to bite him. That's when his arm comes and hits me in the head knocking me to the ground. I'm dazed and I hear Kat scream. Hearing her I rush to my feet and push Andrew against the wall and throw a right hook. I hear the sickening sound of a jaw cracking. He is unaffected so I put my hands on his chest and shove so he bounces off the wall. As he comes towards me from the bounce he swings at me. I duck under his arms and move forward wrapping my arms around his hips. I then come from the crouched position and slam him onto the ground making sure his head hit a counter on the way down. I smile in victory before the expression is quickly wiped from my face as he stands up. I am too shocked to move and he puts his arms on my shoulders and move in for a bite. I close my eyes ready to die but instead hear a gunshot and the sound of a body crumpling on the ground. They flash open and Andrew lies there not moving a bullet in his brain. I look up to see Kelly.

----------------------------------------------------Present Day  Back To My POV-------------------------------------------

    "I'm so sorry you had to experience that." Is all I can say staring at Jake and Kat who had both put their heads down. "Wait you said Kelly saved you? Where is she now?" Kaleb says the words slowly coming out of his mouth. "She fainted in backseat after we finished burying the bodies in the yard." Kat says almost inaudible. "You know I got some guns and ammo in my trunk you guys take them and I will go back and get the rest." I say trying to get the ball moving with survival. "Dude thats a stupid idea they will hear you then kill you. The U-u-undead from what Jake says cant be beat unless you shoot them in the head. But that will only attract more." Kaleb said angrily that I suggested such a thing. "You are right but I took the M1911 and a holster which I noticed when I took it there was another compartment to the side. In it I found a silencer. I can do it and be back soon."  I said. Before they can object I throw the machete to Kaleb thinking he may like it and run to the car popping the trunk as I reach it and throw the bags out. I take the M1911 and screw on the silencer. I sit that on the armrest next to the shifter when I get inside the car and take off. 

    When I reach the gunstore I stop a block away and grab the pistol before getting out. Most of the undead are gone by the time I get there and I reach the door easily. Upon opening the door I see a sight that will haunt me forever. I see Cydney laying down on the ground in multiple pieces. I almost throw up there if it wasn't for the blood stain I notice leading to the back room. I stand there wondering before hearing moans and I remember I am by no means alone. But there was only eight so shooting them all was not a problem. That's when I loot everything. I take all the silencers I can find and head to the back room cautious. Before I turn the knob I look to the right and notice a sword on a stand. I unsheathe it and a beautiful Iron two edged sword is before me. I smile and tie the sheathe to my waist opposite the side of my pistol and open the door sword in hand pistol holstered. I do a quick check of everything and see Melanie lying there staring at me bleeding from her neck. 

    "I thought I would die alone in this room. I am sorry for what I did it was wrong of me." Melanie says slowly staring at me. I almost lower my guard but her keywords die alone ring in my head. I raise my sword as she reaches for her gun and bring it down in one great swipe. I hear screams of pains and then silence. All I watch is her hand fall to the ground. I wipe the blood of the sword and sheathe it smiling to myself naming it "Predator". That's when I take the remaining ammo. Upon turning around it seems I have not yet finished Melanie as she stands before me in a trance that Jake had described earlier before. I remember what Kelly did and slide the bag strap over my shoulder and pull out my sword and slice the head off. I hear a thud and I rush out of the store to my car.

   When I arrive back I am greeted by my friends and smile. I tell them what happened and that Melanie must of turned quicker because the bite was larger than the one on Andrew. We all take weapons from the bags. I had strapped to me a M4A1 my sword and 1911. I had cut a whole in the bottom of the holster so I can keep my gun silenced at all times. My M4 was also equipped with a silencer. I smiled to myself having the first good thing happen to me all day.

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