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As the day comes to an end I stand alone while the warm Australian air kisses my skin and admire the vast ocean as waves of blue and white roll into each other, the sound of its soft singing brings a feeling of comfort and satisfaction.

"I can't believe you're actually leaving" the soft voice of my best friend pulls me aback from my trance. "You've spoken about leaving this shitty town many times, but I always believed it was just talk" she speaks as she appears next to me. "Why would I stay?" I reply, "Theirs nothing left for me here, After Star moved away everything changed. You know that" I drop my head and stare at my sand covered feet, afraid to look her in the eyes. "I know, it changed things for everyone but this is home B. We grew up here, do you even know anyone over there?" her voice grows louder, as if she's trying to cover the cracks in her voice. "That's the point Abbie, Its a fresh start, A chance to escape my past" I stare up at her, her eyes red and puffy "Are you sure about this?" she asks "I can't not be sure, I already booked my flights and put down the deposit for the apartment" I laugh, trying to lift the mood. We've been friends for as long as I can remember, We grew up together, survived high school together, but ever since our friend Starla moved away our friendship hasn't been the same. For a long time it was the three of us against the world, we had each other and for us that was enough. We all had plans to move away some day, as far away as possible. Originally the plan was to move together until Star met a guy and moved across the world to be with him. "Come on, Ill help you finish packing" Abbie gestures towards my house, walking away from the ocean shore. I let the cold water wash over my feet and take it all in one last time, staring into the water as if to say goodbye.

"What time does your plane leave?" My sister looks to me and Abbie gives me quizzical looks "3am" I reply, giving them both small smiles "3am!?!?!?! Thats dark time!" my sister yells jumping from the bed, letting the clothes she had rested on her lap fall "You're crazy" she giggles, grabbing her doll from the nightstand and placing it in my bag "You'll need this! She will keep you safe" she softens her voice before running away "It won't be the same without you B" Abbie looks up from her phone "I have to go though, dinners ready" her voice drops and eyes grow sad as she realises this is goodbye "Don't you forget about me okay?" she says "I could never" I sadly laugh, wrapping my arms around her "You can always come visit me" I say, as my eyes begin to water, she just nods her head, afraid to speak "I love you so much, goodluck" her voice breaks as she runs from the room. "I love you too" I whisper.

My family sit around the dinner table in complete silence, my mum nowhere to be seen, as always. "So you're really doing this huh?" my brother speaks up "my little sister, moving along in the world" I let out a laugh and nod my head "Thank god" he lets out with a relieved sigh, I hit his shoulder and laugh alongside him. My dad and siblings continue to sit in silence, pushing the food around on their plates, too sad to speak. It hurts me to see them so dull but I can't stay here anymore, this town is too small for me, I need something more. I finish what's on my plate and place it in the sink. I wander back to my room to finish packing my things and stop. I look around at the 4 white walls, that were once covered with photos and posters. Letting every memory sink in. I've lived in this house my whole life, these walls hold so many memories, 20 years worth of them but it's time to say goodbye. I zip up my suitcase and place it on the floor alongside the 2 others and head to the bathroom. I turn the water on, adjusting it to the right temperature before removing my clothing and sliding in. The warm water sends a tingling sensation down my skin, my eyes glue to the spot on my thigh that holds the stories that made me who I am. Each scar that traces my thigh reminds me of why I'm leaving. I close my eyes and lean back into the shower, a feeling of accomplishment washes over me as I realise I get to say goodbye to this shitty place and start over. I reluctantly remove myself from the shower, placing a towel around my hair and body before applying a light bb cream and some mascara to my nude face. I dress myself into a pair of ripped skinny jeans and an oversized maroon sweater. I sit on the edge of my bed, brushing my hair as my phone rings 'Abbie' appears on the screen.

"Hey" I speak, turning on loud speaker and continuing to brush my hair. "I'm so sorry, mum wont let me leave the house to say goodbye" she cries into the phone "It's okay, I'll facetime you all the time, you can come visit me, it'll be okay A" I try to reassure her, "okay" she whispers into the phone. "I have to go now, I love you" I reply, putting on my shoes "I love you too" she replies before hanging up the phone. I grab the handle of my suitcase and drag it to my car where the other two are already packed. I walk inside to my sisters room where she's sound asleep "I love you, goodbye" i whisper and place a kiss on her soft cheek. "So this is it" my brother states from behind me, "It sure is" I say before wrapping my arms around him "Goodbye little sis" he smiles "Goodbye" I reply. I walk outside and take one last look at my house and the ocean attached to its yard. I smile, before hopping into my car and driving away.

Sydney airport is a nightmare, there's people everywhere and the workers are hopeless. I make my way to the international side, and hand in my luggage. I take a seat not far from my terminal and double check I have everything. "Flight 126 to LAX boarding now" a woman's voice is heard over the PA and I rise, preparing my ticket and passport, I hand the flight attendent my ticket, "Enjoy your flight" she smiles and hands it back. I make my way to my seat, god I pray no one sits with me. I take a seat by the window and strap myself in. I switch my phone into airplane mode and push it into the pocket of my jeans. "Good Morning passengers, we will begin our flight now" I lay my head back into the soft seat as the plane begins to roll down the runway. I look out the window to the water that reaches far beneath us. This is it I think to myself, my new beginning. Goodbye Australia.

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