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I wake up to the warm sun shining through my window, The memories of last night flooding back. Cuddling with Ashton on the lounge and that kiss, oh that kiss. I hold my fingers to my lips and smile, the feeling of his lips upon mine still lingers. I stand from my bed, my feet hit the cold floor and I wander to the kitchen and pour myself a cup of coffee. I grab my laptop and take a seat on my lounge scrolling through facebook when my phone buzzes

Starla: Andy and I have a photoshoot with the boys tonight, wanna join?

I take a second to consider it, smiling at the thought of seeing Ashton again

Me: Sure, I'm in

She texts me the details and I jump up to get ready. The photoshoot starts at 11am, and its currently 8:15. I make my way into my bedroom, opening my wardrobe. It's cold out so I pull out a burgundy sweater and a pair of black skinny jeans. I throw my short brown hair up into a half up half down messy bun and apply a little natural makeup and head back to my coffee and laptop. I switch from facebook to instagram and my heart drops at the photos on my timeline. 

"Ashton Irwin and girlfriend, Bryana Holly in LA yesterday" 

Photos of Ashton with his hand in hers appear above the caption, I fight back the tears in my eyes. Did last night mean nothing to him? Was he lying to me? How could I be so stupid.. I'm brought back from my thoughts by the sound of a message coming through

Ashton: I woke up thinking of you. I had a good time last night. You free later?

I don't bother to reply, I can't stand to talk to him right now. I throw my phone into my purse and close my laptop, wiping away the few tears that led a stray on my cheeks. I check the clock on my wall to see it's now 10:30 am, I head out and down to my car. Already dreading the events this day may hold. 

I walk into the building the photoshoot is meant to be "Britney, I'm glad you made it. Come over here. There's some people  you should meet" Starla waves me over, she stands with a group of people. None in which I recognize. "Brit, this is Miriam. She's the boys stylist" She says, pointing towards her "It's nice to meet you" She smiles, holding out her hand "You too" I say, shaking her hand. "And this is Alyssa, She's their nutritionist for when they are on tour and stuff" The girl smiles and opens her arms, embracing me in a hug "Hi, it's so nice to meet you" she says, pulling away. I send her a small smile before Starla drags me away and over to a group of boys. I look up from the floor to see Ashton and Michael standing with another man "Britney this is Andy, My mentor" She smiles at him then back to me "You're the one that took my best friend away" I laugh, he smiles nodding his head "Yep that's me" I can feel Ashtons eyes burning holes through my skin but I refuse to meet them. He begins to say something when Andy interrupts "Shall we begin" he smiles, the boys all walk over to a solid white background and begin posing. I look at Ashton, completely occupied by his work and tears form in my eyes. Was he really the kind of guy to do this? Was he really a player? I drop my head and bring the back of my hand to my cheek, wiping away the tears that are now silently streaming down my face. "Britney" Ashton yells, running off set and over to me "What's wrong" He attempts to place his hand on my shoulder but I turn away. "Britney?.." He questions, coming to my front. I look for the closest exit and walk for the door, completely ignoring Ashton. I find an empty room and the building and close the door behind me. I hear Ashton and Starla calling my name and I pray they don't find me. I slide down the wall an drop my head into my lap, letting the tears pour down my face. How could I be so stupid, How could I open myself up to someone that way again? The door opens but I don't dare look up. Afraid that I'll be met with Ashtons hazel green eyes. I feel a body slide down the wall beside me "You know everyones looking for you right?" a voice speaks up, I turn my head to find Michael flopped down beside me "What's wrong" I shake my head, unsure of what to say "Don't give me that head shaking shit. What's wrong" He says, giving me a glare. I drop my head back into my lap "Ashton" I choke out, a ball forming in my throat "Okay... What about him?" He asks, looking to the door "Who's Bryana?" I ask, the tears continuing to fall "She's an old friend" Another voice appears from the door. The thick accent making who it belonged to clear "We've got history" She trails off, walking towards me "Is she why your upset?" he crouches in front of me. I pull my phone out of my bag and open instagram, scrolling till it falls upon the picture. I hold it to Ashton's face, he pauses taking the phone from my hand and examining it. He puts the phone on the ground and places his hands on my knees, Michael gets up and walks away "It's not what it looks like" he says, I look to him. His eyes sad and glazed with worry. "How am I supposed to believe that?" I barely get out. "Will you let me explain?" he says, tears forming in his eyes as he realises i'm hurt. I nod my head, my heart falling further from my chest as I see the look in his eyes. "We dated a while back, we were together for around 6 months. When I left for the Sounds Live Feels Live tour we decided to end things and wait for when I got back. I loved her, I really did so it hurt to leave her. When I got home, I wanted to fix things with her but she had moved to London. I was willing to wait for her to come home. Until I met you.." He trails off, head dropping to his hands "Everything changed the night I met you. The relationship I had with her, It was built upon our mutual love for creating art. But that was about it. I never felt like I could tell her things, like about my past and stuff. That night with you, at the party made me realise how unhealthy it was. I told you more about myself in that night then I had her in the time we were together. She moved back home last week and I didn't have the heart to tell her it was over on the phone so I asked her to meet me for coffee so I could break it to her. She didn't want to hear it so she tried to grab my hand, that's what you saw in those photos" He looks to me, locking eyes with mine "Did you honestly believe i'd do that to you?" He asks, sadness washing over his face "I-I didn't know what to believe. I've fallen for that kind of thing before... I-I'm sorry.."  I say, looking into his eyes as tears fall down my face. He drags his hand under my eyes wiping them away, "I really do like you Britney" His eyes staring into mine. I nod my head "Yeah, me too" He grabs my hand, holding it in his. His lips press against the back of my hand "Are you free tonight?" He softly smiles, I nod my head. "Good, go home and clean yourself up. I'll come pick you up after the shoot and take you on that date" He smiles, standing up and pulling me up with him. I go to head for the door when he pulls me back and wraps his arms around me "You're all I want" he whispers kissing my forehead

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