AUs involving nationality or ancestry stuff for anime

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The Hetalia countries all are related to their country obviously. Also, PRUSSIA IS EAST GERMANY THERE IS WAY TOO MUCH EVIDENCE TO IGNORE. And if you need help, If it is a HRE human au with Germany and Prussia, they would be in the HRE or another germanic country or state. If it is a Prussia au for after the HRE collapsed, then HRE and Germany would be in Prussia. HRE would be German, Austrian, or Swiss in a modern AU.

HRE=Holy Roman Empire


Most of the Attack On Titan characters are European and Eren is definitely German. Mikasa is either Chinese, Korean, or Japanese. I feel like Armin would be a Swiss man but that is probably only because he looks like Switzerland. If you are going for old timey stuff, they would be part of the HRE or Prussia. If you want, you can make the characters be from any other Germanic country and/or a country that speaks a Germanic language (Sweden, Austria, Switzerland?)(just watch the hetafacts video about marriage and groupings of countries in Hetalia or just study actual history) or just like any other country in Europe would be fine too I guess.

Also, Eren and Bulgaria look similar.

Most slice of life anime takes place in Japan with some foreigners like that girl in Lucky Star. Free! Is technically slice of life and it takes place in real places (I think) Like Australia and Tokyo and stuff so just figure it out yourself it usually says where a person is from in the anime anyway so don't worry. Same with Yuri on Ice and also Yuuri is Japanese and Yuri(o) and Viktor are Russian.


The members of the host club are all at least part Japanese other than the self proclaimed manager(I think) of the club. If I'm right, she's French. Tamaki is also part French but he is still Japanese as well. 

FMA/FMA Brotherhood

Um It depends and I really don't think it matters but people usually make  Amestris Germany so like.... most of the characters are German?  And I read a fanfic once where Riza was Russian.

Aerugo is apparently Italy. The flag of this fictional country is based off the flag of the Byzantine empire's flag.

Amestris is a mix of European countries apparently from during the industrial revolution with lots of inspiration from England and the uniforms apparently based on the French WW1 uniforms but most people like to just make it Germany.

Creta since this country is apparently new and with a few other links to old timey America, assume that this is pretty much the USA of the world of Fullmetal Alchemist.

Drachma is based off of Russia because of a bunch of similarities I will not list out here but they involve stuff with the USSR and Nazi Germany's pact incident as well as location and what the country's terrain is.

Xerxes is most likely the Persian empire because of like a page full of reasons like a Persian king was named Xerxes and it is also based on Plato's version of Atlantis. Also this country no longer exists in the story but Edward and Alphonse are part Xerxes and part Amestris.

Xing is based on China and there is a bit of Japanese culture as well and a cool thing to do with Swaziland and Xing and what the ruler does so everyone follows the ruler.

The Ishvalan people are a group of people who used to have their own nation but are now refugees in different countries as most of them were massacred and are characterized with brown skin, white/silver hair, and red eyes. They also don't like alchemy. They are based off of the Jews and what happens to the Ishvan people is similar to the holucaust. Their culture is based off of Middle Eastern cultures and Indian culture as well as Native American cultures.

Black Butler

Black Butler takes place in England so most of the characters are either German or English if I'm right, Ceil has family members living in Germany.(history is important kids!) Prince Soma and Agni are from India and I think Baldo(the cook) is American. Finny is English. Mey-Rin may or may not be Chinese and those Asian people that I forgot the names of are Chinese. Sebastian and the grim reapers don't matter that much in this topic.

Blue Exorcist 

Blue Exorcist is in Japan except for when I'm pretty sure they got teleported to the Vatican cause of religiony stuff that is kinda important so you may or may not want to learn about Christianity and Buddisum a bit. So they are pretty much Japanese although some of the characters may be not because of the Vatican. Like, the Angel dude is not Japanese.


Noragami takes place in Japan. Duuuuuuuu. Like I'm pretty sure this is sorta supposed to be Japanese mythology so they are Japanese unless it says so otherwise. Even Bishamon.

Tokyo Ghoul

The characters from Tokyo Ghoul are Japanese unless you are that priest Ghoul cause he is Russian and I'm not sure if this is important but the doctor dude lived in Germany for a bit.

My Hero Academia 

So I'm not positive on this one but Aoyama (navel laser dude) is part French and was born in France (so like Tamaki) and All Might may or may not be American. I am not positive on this one because he has a Japanese name. Everyone else is most likely Japanese although Present Mic might be European, American, or Canadian although I am unsure about this claim as well.


Votron. So I'm not sure but by looks and stuff, Shiro is asian(Japanese most likely), Lance is Hispanic or Latino or something or really tan. Pidge is North American(USA and Canada) or European, Hunk is Hispanic, Latino , Native American, or Indian(I guess Lance might fit here too), Allura......(um I really don't know where to place her so I guess American? For human  au fan fictions?), And Keith is either Asian or American.


I feel like Marco and his family are Mexican or South American or something and Star is obviously Muman so like ya. Not much to explain here and most of the said characters who are human are American.

(This is all what I think so you don't need to follow what I set up.)

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