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The Purifier



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"The purpose exceeds the pain"

-Beth Moore


Ciri pants as she pulls the men down beside her, hiding from the Necros ahead, "stop", she whispers to the two inmates behind her, "listen", she asks and crawls up the cooled lava her green eyes narrowing onto the Necromungers, a ship taking off while the others stand outside the hanger looking around, Riddick moves up next to her and both move back, "let me guess Necros?", Kyra asks, "one commander, five captains and a whole lot of necro firepower", Riddick confirms, "shit, I hate not being the bad guy", Kyra says, Ciri hears a clicking sound, "think they spotted us", she states and they hear running, "definitely", she mutters and takes out her gun and knife, "I figure we got three minutes before the sun hits us again and burns out this entire valley", Kyra states, "wait", Ciri whispers as she listens around, "are we gonna do this or not?", Kyra asks, "just wait", Riddick says catching onto what Ciri was hearing, the guards just hit the hanger and were opening it, gunfire goes off drawing the soldiers back towards the hanger, "remember that favorite game of yours?", Riddick asks, "whos the better killer?", Kyra asks, "let's play", Riddick says, Ciri rolls her eyes, "you playing?", Riddick asks, "I suppose", she breathes out and gets up moving through and killing a few soldiers as they turn their backs to her, she shoots a guard and smacks another over the head with the gun, she moves quickly, her movements swift as she pinpoints their enemies weak spots, the sky was getting brighter and all she could think about was Halvor, she feels him in her mind and hears him talking her eyes glow brighter as she comes to a group of Necro's and shoots her arms out fire bursting towards them, her yell of pain reaching Riddick's ears but completely deaf to her own, her eyes meet those of a Necromunger she knew to be the Purifier but she quickly looks away as a Necromunger heads for her jumping over his burnt friends and attacking her, Ciri bringing her gun up and shoots him right in the head as she takes his gun and begins shooting at the others that come at her until she is shot sending her back by the necro commander, she just sees Riddick fly back a shot being delivered to him, "no!", Kyra yells, the necro commander begins moving towards Riddick and Ceryll runs over tackling him, Ciri growls lowly and runs out brawling with the commander, swift and strong, the commander picks up the female by the throat and throws her away from him just as the sun begins to hit them, Riddick moves onto his knees and almost yells out in anger at the commander in front of him, time seems to stop for him as a vision of Furya takes over his mind, "I think you know now", Shirah says as she walks towards Riddick, Ciri could see it all, "I think you know who tore Furya apart", Shirah places her hand on her chest, "this mark contains the anger of an entire Furyan race, but it's going to hurt", with that she touches the left side of Riddick's chest, a glow appears on it, Ciri looks down as the handprint burns on her, Shirah looks at the female, "help him Ciri", she asks before dissapearing, Ciri watches as Riddick burns with power, shaking as he sees the necro leader in his vision, the commander shoots Riddick, "big mistake", Ciri mutters and plants her feet as the large explotion pushes the Necros back, killing most of them, Ciri's eyes meet those of a man who was unaffected by it, the sun slowly rises the three minutes were almost up, Ciri flinches as the light hits her and she runs over to Riddick, his heartbeat still there, the Necros begin boarding their ship, Ciri just sees Kyra join them before she looks down again and grabs Riddick by the vest trying to haul him towards the hanger, "let me help you", the necromunger whom she made eye contact with asks, she nods and together they haul the male up and drag him inside, out of the sun.

"who are you?", Ciri breaths out watching the necro as he takes off his jewelry, "they call me the Purifier, and you?", "Ciri", she answers, "you are an elemental?", "half", she admits knowing she could kill him with ease but it seems he was going to do it for her, "and half Furyan", he says and nods, she sits down as her legs are about to give way, he feels the power burning through her, "you were a Furyan I'm guessing", she asks, "how did you know?", the Purifier asks, "while your friends were affected by Furya's wrath, you weren't", she states, "observant", Ciri rolls her eyes and lays her head back, shutting her eyes for a few minutes, Riddick jumps up looking out the hanger and towards the necro ship that leaves, "Ciri, Kyra", he whispers, "Ciri is right here", the Purifier states, causing Riddick to turn and look at the passed out female, "I was supposed to deleiver a message to you", the Purifier states, "if Vaako failed to kill you, a message from the Lord Mashal himself, he tells you to stay away from Helion, stay away from him and in return you'll be hunted no more, bit Vaako will most likely report you as dead", he states picking up the knife Riddick had used to kill the Necro that killed Imam, "so this is your chance, your chance to do what no man has ever done", Riddick grabs him by the shoulder harshly, "the girl, where will they take her?", he asks, "to the lord Marshel of course", the Purifier states, Riddick letting him go, "I've done unbeleivable things in the name of a faith that was never my own and he'll do to her, what he did to me", Ciri opens her eyes looking to the necro as he speaks, the female having never been asleep, just resting, "the Necromunger in me, warns you not to go back, but the Furyan in me", he says and gives Riddick a quick smile as he looks up, "hopes you wont listen", he holds up the knife to Riddick, "we all began as something else", he says and drops the knife walking out into the sun, Riddick and Ciri watching as he burns up, trying to go as far as he can before he dies, "men are so dramatic", Ciri whispers and slowly pulls herself up, Riddick walks over to the female and holds her up, she hadn't done that much running since she had Halvor and it took a toll on her, she was exhausted, Riddick could tell but knew she wouldn't sit back until this was done, "guess you have a Lord to kill and we have a girl to get back", she says, Riddick nods and they jump into the ship heading for Helion, "how are we going to get in", Riddick mutters to himself, "you can steal one of the Necro's armour, I'll figure out my part as I get there", Ciri states, Riddick looks at the female for a moment, "why are you so determed to get this all done with?", he asks, "I want my brother and sister-in-law to be safe, I want their children to be safe, I want Lahjju to be safe, Ziza, Kyra", Ciri shrugs, "it also seems to be what Furya wants us to do, Shirah keeps telling me to stick with you even if I don't have a purpose in this fight", Riddick takes a moment to look at the female, "sleep Ciri, I'll wake you before we get there", the female nods and curls up in her chair slowly falling asleep.

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