dg | you're a dick | ending 1

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(Y/N) - your name



She sighed, for what seemed like to be the thousands time, that day. Running her fingers through her hair, she walked to your favourite cafe to grab a cup of coffee, in hope to lighten her day a little.

Her day started off with a bad beginning by waking up late ⁠— God, she hated that alarm. With wrinkled clothes, she had to rush to work and still get scolded because she was half an hour late. 

"Pretty sure my hair looks like a bird's nest today," she muttered to herself when she saw some people giving her weird glances.

As she was mumbling to herself, she realised she was in front of the cafe. She greeted the workers before ordering her usual there. It was no surprise that the workers there had memorised her order since she was a regular. 

While waiting for her order, she sat beside the windows and her  Out of sudden, a cough snapped her back to reality again. She looked up and was met to a surprising, yet recognisable face. 

The guy was, of course, her ex that had betrayed her, Dick Grayson.

It was not really suprising, because one, Bludhaven isn't that big, and two, fate has its plan — but she didn't like it one bit.

Dick forced a smile before asking the permission to sit with her. She nodded her head because it would've been more awkward if she denied him to do so.

"So, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be working?" (Y/N) asked, breaking the silence.

"Uh, no, it's my day off. I wanted to have a coffee here but I saw you here so I decided to join you," Dick responded as he rubbed his hand against his neck. (Y/N) narrowed her eyes at him as it wasn't like him at all to act like this.

She nodded her head again, nevertheless. As once again, the silence engulfed the atmosphere. 

Well, maybe it was wrong for her to assume there would be any silence with Dick. 

"I, uh, I wanted to say sorry on how I treated you previously. Cheating is wrong and I was such an asshole to you. But — but, I promise you that I have changed. For better." Dick said with a genuine smile on his face.

"It's okay, it has been months, anyways. I've got over it and I forgave you a long time ago," she replied calmly.

"So, can I — possibly and maybe get a second chance? I've cut ties with her. This might sounds stupid but I realise that I love you, really. It isn't too late, right?" said Dick.

"What was he thinking? Did he really think that he would get a second chance — after all the hell he put me through?"  Anger and confusion mixing and swirling in her head, but she managed to control them. 

"Dick, I am sorry but you know this will never work out. It was a nice experience being with you and all, but I can't just forget about it." You tried to be reasonable with him.

"I —  I understand. Sorry. I'm sorry for everything. " He smiled, but his smile didn't reached his blue eyes. Tears welling up in his eyes, but he controlled them from pouring out. 

Her name was called, signalling that her coffee was ready for her. She stood up from her seat and turned her back towards him to take it.

When she walked out from the cafe, it was clear to him. Their relationship had no hope to start over, and it was all his fault. 

He could've had everything he wanted and needed.


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