Part 20-Sure

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This is what the Enderman will look like. I don't own the art this person does . If you don't want me using your art tell me and I will take it down.

A/N So we are at 1000 reads! I am so happy about getting to this marker and I hope we continue in the growth of this book. Anyway on with the story!

"So Ben what's your favourite mob?" I asked Ben

"I really like the Endermen they seem so cool and mysterious but that's just from a outside point of view so they could be different in the game."

"Thats a good point but I will still try and get a Endermen to come and see you ok?"

"Ok". So I walk of to find Ender. I enter my bedroom because she has had a habit of going there ever since she found that egg. 

"Hey Ender can I come in?" I ask

"Sure, there's something I want to show you". She replies. I walk into the room to see her in Dragon form curled around the egg on my bed.

"Umm hi Ender what'd you want to show me?"

"This" at that she turns the egg around and I see a small crack in it.

"Is it hatching?"

"Yes or well at least I think so"

"I have a question?"


"Is Null going to be counted as the father?"

"Well I mean I suppose so."

"Also does a Wither count as three different people?"

"Mmm I don't know?"

"Well if it is three different people what are there names going to be?"

"Well if it is one person I was thinking of Tri, because that means three"

"Yea I suppose that makes sense. Hey if you could come up with three names that start with T, R and I you could name them three separate names and when you need to call them all at once you can call them Tri"

"That's a really cool idea" Ender said. At that moment we hear a small crack from the egg and we turn around to see that the crack has gotten bigger. 

"Maybe we should get Null to do some research on raising and hatching eggs?" I said

"Yea that sounds like a good idea, do you want to go get him?"

"Yes ok I'll go find him. Oh, almost forgot do you think you could find your most cool and mysterious Enderman to hang out with Ben?".

"Yea sure" So I walk out of my room and back down towards where I had last seen Null. The only person I see is Three who I find on a computer. I don't know why it where he got a computer from but I peek over is shoulder to see what he is looking at. On the screen I see that he is watching tutorials on how to get a girl to like you.

"Umm Three what are you doing?" I ask. He quickly hits the power button on the computer and turns around.

"Umm nothing" he says

"Then why are you watching videos on how to get girls to like you?"

"*sigh* ok you got me, I haven't been brave enough to ask Alex out on a date"

"So that's why Herobrine hasn't gone on that yet"

"Wait he already asked you out?"

"Yep when we got back from accidentally picking up Ben."


"I don't know but I will tell you that he was pretty nervous when he asked I mean the first time he did it I didn't understand him because he accidentally spoke in Swedish!"

"Ok that's one first date fail I have never heard of before, I can totally imagine it. Just like 'opps I accidentally asked you out on a date in a different language's yep that's Herobrine."

"Do you speak any other languages?"

"Actually yes I do I can speak German, Swedish, Spanish, French, Japanese and many others!"

"Wait I think Alex knows how to speak French, what about if you asked her out in French that would be cool!"

"Yes I will do that right now". At that he walk out of the room and I followed him. He walked straight up to Alex and said

"Mon vrai amour, vous sortirez sur un triple rendez-vous avec Herobrine, null moi et il ya des amours vrai?" He said

"Bien sûr, mon amour tu sais que je t'ai toujours aimée." Alex replied. Then Three fainted.

"How very anticlimactic" I say to Alex

"Do you speak any other languages?"

"I speak English does that count?"

"Y/ N you are one of the funniest people I have ever met"

"Thank you , I think". So I continue on my way to find Null. I eventually come across a hole if that's what you could call it. It looked like a rip in reality itself. So what do I do? I jump in to course. Then I find myself in a world of binary. Everything was black except the binary itself which was pure white.


"Yes Y/ N over here" I hear Nulls voice say from the right of me.


"You don't needed to yell I am like 3 meters away". I turn right and see a out line of a person about 3 meters away"

"Ohh sorry, so what is this place?"

"Ohh this, this is just my private dimension"


"Yea no big deal"


"Anyway I need some help"

"Doing what?"

"I need to ask Ender out on that triple date but I don't know how to do it"

"Well I just helped Three out with this"

"Oh yea and how did he do it?"

"He asked Alex out in French"

"Hmm does Ender know any other languages?"

"No I don't think so"

"Anyway we can sort this out later, what did you want me for?"

"Ohh yea nearly forget l, Ender wanted some advise on how to hatch eggs"

"Umm ok"

"Also she said you are going to be counted as the farther"


"Yea so maybe you could try and find a way to ask her out through that?"

"Ok". So Null and I walk to my room again and Null walks straight over to Ender and gives her a hug

"So my darling what seems to be the problem?" Null said to Ender

"Well Dr Null it seems that the egg is hatching and I don't know what to do"

"Well let me have a look. Hmm well it does have some cracks in it. I would estimate that it has another hour to hatch."

"Thank you Dr Null"

"Will you go on a triple date with Herobrine, Three and me and there girlfriend's?"

"Well that was sudden but sure!"

A/N ok so again 1000 READS! That's a huge milestone. Ok so I will start updating regularly again. Any away see you later Dragon Champions!

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