Part 57-Mob Diets

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 I do not own the art this person does: d . If you don't want me using your art tell me and I will take it down.

A/N Sorry about missing last weeks chapter I had a bit of writers block. Anyway on with the story!

Herobrine turned towards Alexander and asked. "So what do you think now."

"I-I am sorry. I know I have made a great many mistakes and I understand that now. So please accept my apology..." he said. I translated for him.

"Well since you have already been punished I will not kill you but you should know that if you ever do anything like that again a little 'accident' might happen to you."

"Y-yes your majesty." Again I translated for him.

"Well anyway King Edward, my kingdom is currently in the midst of a war. I was wondering if you would like to join me?"

"Who is it against?"

"*sigh* I was hovering you would not ask that. It is against a enemy called Experiment 4 who plans if he wins to destroy this whole world."

"Why would you not want to say that?"

"Well I have not told you the other side to this war. Unfortunately just before the final battle that is soon to come me and my brother got into a fight and now he wants to fight against me rather than with me."

"And by your brother you mean"


"Ok umm well this could be a problem. How are we, some humans going to fight against Notch?"

"Well I mean you don't have too but at least if your not going to fight for me don't join this war on someone else's side."

"Well umm. I don't know what to do."

"What do you mean?"

"Well we are human so we should be automatically on Notchs side but you don't seem so bad and I don't think after all this I could fight against you..." 

"Well why don't you just trade some supplies with us?"


"Like you give us food and I will give you as much diamonds, gold and emeralds as you want?"

"That sounds good!"

"I have one condition though. We each have a representative in each others kingdoms."

"Ok? I don't know who could be my representative though because to be honest I don't think anyone would want to live with a bunch of mobs."

"Well what about Alexander here?"

"Well I suppose so..."

"Umm I don't know if I would really feel safe... you know with your majesty hating me and everything." Said Alexander. I again had to translate. I was getting tired of this so before Herobrine could say anything I told Alexander.

"Alexander I want you to imagine yourself as your human self and put all your energy into that image."

"Ok? AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He screams as he turns into his human form. He collapsed onto the floor

"Right well now I don't have to keep translating constantly." Alexander got to his feet and looked at his hands. He breathed a sigh of relief. He looked up into Hero's eyes and froze.

"Not so brave when your my height are you?" Said Herobrine

"N-no sir. Sorry sir" said Alexander

"Hmm well anyway I should be getting back to my kingdom. Alexander are you willing to come with me to the kingdom of the stars?"

"I guess so, as long as you promise not to hurt me!"

"I will not hurt you as long as my representative in this kingdom will not be harmed." At this he turns to King Edward.

"You don't have to worry know harm will come upon your representative. Although you still haven't told me who your representative will be." Said King Edward

"That's because it is something I have to discuss with someone." Then Herobrine asked me telepathically. "I am thinking that probably the best representative would be Tri". Then Ender said.

"I don't know he is still very young..." she said

"In our years he might be but Withers mature rapidly he may not be at full size but he has matured mentally to an adult. Y/N you have not seen him recently, he has learned to talk and I taught him how to speak telepathically. I have noticed that he has been very bored recently and this could give him something to do. All he has to do is maybe once a week come back through the portal fly through the Nether and tell us what has been going on."

"Well I suppose so. Do you want me to go get him?"

"Yes that would be great!" Then she ran out the doors and flew of in the direction of the portal. Then Herobrine turned back to King Edward. "She has just gone to get our representative."

"I don't mean to be rude but what are they?"

"Well they are a wither and also just as a heads up they prefer to be called a they if you are calling them all at the same time, or you could just call them by their collective name Tri. There individuals names, from left to right are Troy, Reed and Igor."

"I thought all the withers went extinct after extensive hunting?"

"Well you also thought the Ender Dragons where extinct."

"Good point."

"Anyway I was wondering if I could place an order for some food for my army now?" 

"What do you need?"

"Well I mean we will need to work out what to do with the zombies later but I mean if you have  any cobblestone for the magma cubes, meat of any kind for the spiders, anything with calcium in it for the skeletons, some gunpowder for the creepers oh and if you can get a large amount of water that would be good too."

"Why cant we get food for the zombies?"

"Well unless anyone wants to volunteer because they eat human flesh."

"Yep ok I shouldn't have asked."

"Hey Herobrine what about all the other mobs? Like the blazes and the guardians?" I ask

"Well Y/N for some mobs like blazes they just eat fire and lava and since that's everywhere in the Nether I don't need to order it. Also the guardians I don't think will be participating in this battle because its on land, and mobs like the pillagers and illagers have their own food sources."

"Wait Pillagers?"

"Again Notch is still updating the game."

"Oh yea I forgot about that."

"Anyway I think this is Ender and Tri coming now." I look back to see Ender fly in and Tri landing beside her. Then Tri who was now as tall as me comes over to me.

"Hello Y/N." He says

A/N Sorry for the late upload but i promise it wont happen again. (Probably) anyway I was just wondering. Are you guys enjoying this story? Like do you feel a connection to the characters. Do you want to know what happens next every time you finish a chapter? Anyway see you later Dragon Champions!

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