Part 34-Moon

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This is where I found the image .

A/N I haven't got anything to say. So on with the story!

We all just stare at Ben. He was curled up in a ball with a lime green shield around him. He looks up an screams. "HELP WHAT IS THIS!" He reached up to touch the shield and found that he couldn't get out, then he started panicking more. Then suddenly Null stepped forward and placed a hand on the shield. Then a spider web of black lines started appearing on the shield. When the lines covers the whole thing in a black dome Null stood up and absorbed the black back into him. I looked back down at Ben and saw that he was sitting up looking at Null. Then quick as lightning he got up and ran over to Null and gave him a hug. Null just stood there, looking like he wasn't completely sure what to do. Then I just suddenly realized something, I had never touched Null. I walk over to him and give him a hug. 


"Umm you no maybe I didn't want everyone knowing that" says Null. Then suddenly everyone came over and gave him a hug. 

"YOUR RIGHT" said someone



"Well I guess I'll just stand here now" said Null. 

"I AM SUFFOCATING!" We hear Ben say from the middle of the group hug. Then suddenly everyone let go and we found Ben in the middle still hugging Null. Herobrine went over and picked up Ben but as soon as no one was touching Null he disappeared.

"NOT AGAIN!" Three said

"Well the first time he did this, he found me and he was actually going to come back by himself. So maybe we should just wait and he'll come back himself" said Alex

"Well we can try that" said Steve

"Anyway we need to work out what that shield was" I say

"It wasn't a poison or anything like that because I can't replicate it" says Null

"See told you he would come back" said Alex

"Ok guys you might not know this but it's like 3:00 in the morning in the Overworld so we should probably get to sleep" says Vallron

"Ok, see you tomorrow" I say. Then I walk of to bed. Then I realize that we don't have enough beds. I wait at my bedroom so that I can find out how many people think that they sleep in here. First Null showed up but I aloud him in because it is technically his bedroom. Then Ender showed up. "Ok Ender is this the only place for you to sleep?"

"No I can sleep in the End but I want to stay close to Null" says Ender

"Ok fine you can sleep in there but I don't know where you are going to sleep because there is only one bed"

"That's fine I prefer to sleep on the floor anyway". So I wave her in and I continue waiting. After about 10 minutes Ben shows up. 

"Can I sleep in here?" He asks

"I'm really sorry but it's already full in here, but I know for a fact that only Herobrine is sleeping in his room so you could probably sleep in there." I say

"Ok, goodnight Y/N". Then I went to bed. I woke up in the middle of a field at night. I sat up and saw a town in the distance. I got up realized I was in my Titan form and tried to change back into my human form but found that I couldn't. I looked up and saw a huge full moon. Then I little voice in the back of my mind said

"You know that the humans in that town would taste amazing" the voice says

"No they wouldn't" I say back.

"Oh but don't you remember the days where we where the terror of their pitiful lives?"

"N-no..." but as I'm saying this, an image pops into my head of Ender Titans running through villagers killing people.

"Oh but you do. Don't you?"

"Yes I do..." I admit

"Well how about this, we just scare a few people?"

"Yea that sounds good"

"Yes it does doesn't it?..."

"Lets go." So I teleport into the centre of the town and for the first time unhinged my jaw and gave a Ender scream. A bunch of people came running out of there houses, but when they saw me they screamed and ran back into there houses. I notice that a couple men stood there with pitchforks. I turned towards them and teleported behind them grabbing one of them and opening my mouth to bite him. "NO!" I say to myself as I put the man down gently. Then I saw that his arm was bleeding from where my claws had punctured. I quickly teleported to the nearest hospital I grabbed some bandages and teleported back. Grabbing his arm more gently this time I tried unwrapping the bandages, but my claws kept ripping it. So I just passed it to him. I then stood to my full height and went to go when I felt a tap on my back. I turn around to find one of the men then he asked me

"C-Can you understand me?". I don't bother trying to say my answer out loud so I just nod. "Why did you help us?" I try to think of a way to answer when I suddenly remembered that I know how to speak telepathically. I point from my head to his head and got into a position that looked like I was getting ready for something. Then pointed at him. "You want me to get ready for something?" I nod. Then I try communicating by telepathy.

"Can you understand me?" He almost passes out but he manages a nod

"Well I wasn't expecting that, but ok now that the shock has passed I think I'm ready to talk"

"Well what questions do you have?"

"Um well why did you attack then immediately after help that man?"

"Well because its the full moon, my species gets a bit aggressive. We don't mean it but we can't control it usually but I just about managed to get it under control and then I realized what I had done"

"Are the legends true that if you had bitten him he would have turned into a Ender Titan too?"

"Yes unfortunately the legends are true, that's how I ended up like this"

"Oh, do you always look like this?"

"No, I can look like a human when its not the full moon"

"Anyway  why did you pick this place. I mean we are literally in the middle of no where?"

"Well I actually just woke up in the middle of that field over there. Do you know how far we are from Notchtropolis?"

"Notchtropolis... I think that's on the opposite side of the world".

A/N Ok so very sorry that this got out very late but I was very busy. Also can you give some love to my other books please? See you later Dragon Champions!

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