Part 32-Revenge

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I do not own the art this person does . If you don't want me using your art tell me and I will take it down.

A/N OK so just wondering are you guys enjoying this story. Do you feel a connection to the characters? Read to the end of the part because I have a very important question to ask and I need you to answer it. Anyway on with the story!

I woke up the next morning to find Tri hovering in front of my face. "hi tri". Troy smiled at me, Igor just stared at me and by the looks of it Reed was still asleep. I get out of bed and go down to the throne room to hang out with Hero. I got down to the throne room and entered I was met with the sight of a huge line of mobs, mostly from the nether but I did spot some Overworld hostile mobs. One thing I did not see was Herobrine. All the mobs turned to face me, the tension in the air was almost slice able with a knife. The one mob, a zombie bowed. I realized who the zombie was, it was Bonecrusher! Then I noticed something, all the zombies where bowing. I looked to the back of the line to see if I knew anyone else, I saw Webs at the back of the line waving at me with one of her eight legs. I waved back and then realized that all the other spiders in the line where bowing. Then a Enderman got down on it knees and started bowing. I realized that it was Mintral. 

"Mintral stand up you have already proven your dedication". I say to him. Suddenly a ghast flies out if the growing crowd.  

"I remember you, you were that thing that chased me out of the throne room" it said. Then I realized that it was that ghast that had tried to attack me. Then a Blaze came out of the crowd.

"When one Nether Mob is threatened all Nether mobs will have their revenge" it said as they both came closer. Then all the Nether Mobs started chanting.

"REVENGE, REVENGE, REVENGE, REVENGE!" I started to back away towards the door. When suddenly a trident flies out of the crowd and hits the door shuting it. I look at the direction that the trident came from out stepped a really weird looking creature it looked like a zombie if he stayed underwater for way to long. Then it spoke.

"I will help, even if I don't particularly enjoy this dimension I will also have my revenge. I think I speak for all Overworld mobs when I say WE WILL ALL HAVE ARE REVENGE!"

"You don't speak for all Overworld mobs, the zombies will not have revenge!" Said Bonecrusher as he stepped towards the underwater zombie thing.

"And neither will the spiders" said Webs also stepping towards it.

"Or the Ender creatures" says Mintral

Then suddenly a wither skeletons charged at me, grabbing me and dragging me back to the thing. Then Bonecrusher started to speak.

"Wait stop she's no..." he was interrupted by the thing. 

"We out number you. Everyone grab all the zombies, spiders and all the Ender creatures present!" Then he turned to a nearby cave spider. "Will you join us in our revenge?"

"Well we not sure what we're even doing here, but sure. As long as we get to eat her after!"

"Yep that's fine usually I would feed any human I find to the zombies but since they have betrayed us, we'll feed it to you guys!" Then all the mobs turned to me and started advancing towards me. That's when I remember something, how could I be such an idiot, I couldn't turn into my Titan form because more than likely they would just eat me anyway, so there is only one thing I can do.

"Why don't you ask Herobrine to kill me?" I said in English. I was so scared I forgot to speak in mobish

"Huh? Does anyone speak English here?" It says

"I do!" Says a skeleton. "She said  why don't you ask Herobrine to kill me".

"Why on Minecraft would she ask that? Well it is a good idea, but she will have to be knocked out first because no mortal should be able to look at his majesty". Then I see him lift up his trident and then he brought it down on my head. Then everything went black. I went into some sort of semi conscious because I could still hear everything that was happening. First there was just a bunch of random talk from the mobs but I did catch that they where hiding me in the middle of the group so that they could surprise Herobrine. I think they were the ones who where going to get the surprise. Then I finally hear the sound of thunder and lightning as Herobrine gave a dramatic entrance. 

"Welcome Mobs to your mostly daily questions and answers!" I hear Herobrine say.

"Sir we ask our first question, what do you want us to do with this human we found in the Nether?" That was the last thing I heard before complete chaos erupted. It sounded like the entire mob army just exploded. I suddenly remembered all the mobs that had stood up for me. 

"HEROBRINE DON'T HURT ANY NORMAL SPIDERS, ZOMBIES OR ANY ENDER MOBS!" I said telepathically to him. I hope he heard it for all the mobs sakes. Then I think some body's of some mobs fell on top of me because I completely went unconscious. I woke up in the hospital, with Herobrine on a seat next to my bed asleep. I looked around the hospital and noticed that a couple spiders zombies and Ender men were also here. I was about to get out of bed when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Herobrine holding my shoulder.

"Y/ N you need to rest still, they beat you up pretty bad" says Herobrine

"What happened the last thing I remember was a bunch of mobs falling on top of me?" using ask, as I lie back down again.

"Well ill tell you the story from the start, when I teleported onto my throne I noticed that the mobs where clumped around this particular location. Then a drowned stepped up..."

"Wait what's a drowned?"

"Oh of course you wouldn't have seen the resent updates, well belive it or not but through out this Notch has still be updating the game (Ok in this book Notch didn't sell Mojang to Microsoft but he just made the same updates). The drowned is a new mob, its basically a waterlogged zombie that likes tridents"

"Yea he was the one who started the whole thing."

"Really, well luckily now he is a large pool of blue blood on the floor of the throne room". When he said this I just stared at him.

"Ok so what happens next?"

"Well when he reviled you I just went into a destroying rush. Basically I nearly killed everything"

"Did you hear me?"

"Yes I did actually, and I did spare the spiders and the zombies and the Ender mobs"

"That's good, they tried to stop them from doing what they did"

"Anyway after I had killed everything I called the remaining mobs to help me look for you, we searched for at least 2 hours until an Enderman shouted at the top of his voice 'I FOUND HER!' That was probably the best thing I had ever heard. So I ran over to him and found you underneath a bunch for dead mobs. I lifted you up and brought you here"

"How long was I out for?"

"6 hours". Then we here the door to the hospital open and Ben walks in.

"Umm I want to tell you something?" He says to both of us.

"What is it?" Asks Herobrine

"I didn't really go to McDonalds with my parents"

"Why where you there then?"

"I was running away with my brother"

"What where you and your brother running away from?" I ask him

"The orphanage"

A/N I AM SO SORRY FOR THIS PART COMING OUT LATE BUT IT TOOK LONGER TO WRITE THAN EXPECTED! Ok so the big question that YOU NEED TO ANSWER! Is, do you want this storey to have a sad ending or a happy ending or some were in between? Anyway see you later Dragon Champions!

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