004 | Welcome Home

434 9 2

Natalie's pov

Ten minutes later we had arrived in Emmerdale, nothing had changed; not really. The childhood memories flooded back to me as a smile appeared on my face, maybe being back here was going to be good for me, maybe just maybe I will be happy again. We stopped outside the woolpack pub, I was so excited to see my aunt, sister and my other cousin.

"We'll stop here for a bit then head to the farm" dad informed me as he stops the car and we get out.

"That's fine, it'll be good to catch up with everyone" I smiled letting out a little yawn as I shut the car door, the three of us walked in to the pub and I was greeted by most of the family saying welcome home, everyone except Debbie but that's for obvious reasons.

"I've missed you" Elizabeth immediately ran at me wrapping her arms around me.

"I've missed you to Lizzy" I grinned happily when we finally pulled apart.

"What can I get you Nat" aunt Chas asked from behind the bar.

"Just a orange juice please Auntie Chas" I responded to my aunt as I walked round the bar to give her a hug.

"You don't understand how long I've waited for a Aunt Chas hug" I whispered as I kept my arms around my aunt. I had always been close with Chas ever since I was little.

"I've missed you Titch" aunt chas said softly before we finally pulled away, the nickname mad me giggle as I remembered being called it all the time as a child and teen.

"Will you come to my graduation?" Elizabeth asked me when I finally sat down beside my sister, she had done arts and crafts and a creative writing corse and she had finished it

"Do you really think I'd miss my baby sisters graduation" I asked a rhetorical question as I yawned before taking a sip of my orange juice.

"Remember I'm only 2 years younger than you, I'm not a child any more" Elizabeth frowned as she folded her arms I smirked.

"Awh come on Lizzy you'll always be my baby sister just like Debbie will always be my big sister" I put my arm around my sister.


Sitting around the table listening to Victoria and Elizabeth talk and joke around really made me feel welcome again, I felt at home. At this rate I wouldn't want to leave, Victoria sat opposite Elizabeth and I drinking a coke while Elizabeth of course was drinking a beer something she must have picked up from dad or Ross seeing as she's been really friendly with him recently. I leaned forward resting my elbows on the table as we all enjoyed the nice weather.

"So Victoria have you anyone special in your life right now? Since Adam?" I asked my oldest friend; Victoria literally spat out her drink as she held her hands over her mouth while Elizabeth and I laughed.

"No; I don't" She said with a shy smile

"Well not yet anyway" Victoria then shrugged while chuckling, I simply laughed.

"What about you Sister dearest? I nudged my sister; Lizzy who had been looking at her phone makes a small hum sound.

"I've heard from Penny that you've been spending most of your free time with Ross" I informed Lizzy as she finally looked up from her phone while I sipped my orange juice. Elizabeth's rolled her eyes while Victoria wiggled her eyebrows at my poor sister.

"We are just friends" she said with a shrug as she placed her phone on the table.

"Just friends?" I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Trust me everyone uses that excuse" I told her with a serious look on my face but of course like always my sister ignored my facial expression

"Well, I mean it" Elizabeth nodded causing Victoria to shake her head

"Neither of us have made a move yet anyway" Elizabeth started. I glanced over to Victoria who had the same expression on her face, shocked. My sister has just admitted that she likes Ross Barton. I watched as Elizabeth turned bright red.

"What? No" her eyes widened as she glanced around.

"Oh look Matty" Lizzy practically shouted as she immediately climbed out of her chair and made her way towards a quite cute looking guy. I knew that was just her way of avoiding the conversation

"Who's Matty?" I asked Victoria whole Elizabeth practically squished the poor man to death with one of her hugs. Matty wore some simple dark jeans and a checkered shirt.

"He's a friend" Victoria answered with the sound of awkwardness in her voice but I decided to leave it there.

"He's visiting" added Victoria. Elizabeth and Matty walked over arm in arm before stopping at the table.

"Natalie; this is Matty" Lizzy introduces us. I stood up slowly with a small smile plastered on my face as I walked round the table to the man with brown hair.

"Hi" he gave me a big smile.

"I'm Natalie, most people call me Nat or Natty" I smiled holding my hand out to him, I saw Elizabeth smile widely from beside Victoria.

"I'm Matty" Matty Greeted as he placed his hand in mine before shaking it. I quickly pulled away when I had realised we had been staring at each other for quite awhile. After hearing Elizabeth snicker to herself Matty and I both turn a light shade of pink

"Matty why don't you join us?" Elizabeth asked throwing a smirk in my direction. I rolled my eyes at her behaviour

"Lizzy? Don't you have to be somewhere?" I asked with one eyebrow raise. Victoria and Matty couldn't help but laugh as my baby sister stood their with her arms folded , she soon pushed some of her thick brown hair over her shouder.

"Fine, I'll go and find ross" Elizabeth states with such a attitude as she started to walk away, I laughed as did Victoria.

"I'm sorry about that, she still gets over excited sometimes" I apologised to Matty who sat nervously he waved his hands.

"She's alright" I smiled widely as the three of us began to talk


Once again I wouldn't have been able to get this chapter done without the help of bakerstreetbitches this is the last update until the weekend because I think I need to pre-write a few chapters before posting

I hope you enjoyed and if you did leave a like and comment anything you'd like to see

Love you all

Byee xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2018 ⏰

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