First Letter

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It was the first letter that started Robin's search.

After combat practice which consisted of the typical Risen beatings, Robin took the walk straight home accompanied by her best friend, Lissa. The two walked together slowly, enjoying the calm peace of the Risen-free forests. A light breeze blew, shuffling the leaves of the trees and shifting the loose dirt on the ground.

It was what disturbed the peace though, that caught the attention of the two. The wind suddenly blew more vigorously than the second before. It rattled the tree branches harder, unpicking the leaves to fly off on their own journey.

"What was that sudden wind?" Lissa asked, combing her wild pigtails with her fingers, undoing the mess.

Robin turned her head from side to side, examining the area. But there was no possible culprit who could be causing the wind. "Perhaps nature being nature," she suggested sarcastically.

Lissa crossed her arms and continued walking with Robin following behind. "Well nature needs to calm itself down because we just cleaned up the Risen in the area for her!"

Robin let out a small laugh. "It's no biggie really, once the big wave happens, it's all over."

A light breeze continued to blow as the two continued on their way back to the camp. Upon arriving, they split up to attend to their own deeds. Robin headed to her tent, where she found a letter wrapped up, sitting on the desk. Picking it up, she read the back of the envelope.

'For Robin'  it read. No from.

Sparking her curiosity, Robin gently teared open the envelope to reveal a neatly folded piece of paper. The paper had light stains of dirt on it. She unfolded the paper and read the messy yet legible handwriting.

'You're the thunder to my wind. Like a storm.' It read.

Robin reread the short piece of writing over and over, scanning it. She didn't understand what it meant. Assuming it was another teammate who wrote and sent this, perhaps it was a love letter? But this 'love letter' wasn't exactly romantic. It was more of a metaphor which was meant to describe something. Something Robin couldn't catch onto. She didn't want to jump to conclusions but for what other type of letter would be wrapped up neatly with a mysterious metaphor could be? It's like a clue letter. The clue to the mystery of the letter itself.


words: 430

this story is going to be pretty simple and short. It's actually my first fan-fiction.

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