Second letter

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Thunder to wind. . .

The light breeze was still continuing to blow as Robin exited the tent and left to the main barracks. She tried to hide the excitement on her face. A mysterious letter sounded like fun. Perhaps she could pay extra attention to her teammates around her.

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't even notice someone running across her path in a hurry. The collision sent her rebounding off of the force and landing straight on her behind onto the dirt. The letter slipped from her hands.

It was Cordelia, no mistaking with the beautiful, long, red hair. She looked like she was taken by surprise also. A book lay beside her, open on it's pages, the cover was facing upwards. 'Make Him Fall for You in a Fortnight' the cover of the book read.

"I - I'm sorry! I wasn't looking to see where I was going, I caused this." Robin apologized immediately, panic was evident in her voice. Last thing she wanted was her comrades to start losing trust in her. Especially since she joined Chrom's group only a month ago.

"It's nothing," the red-haired beauty responded. Her eyes laid upon the book that was lying on the ground, the pages getting crushed. She stood up.

"Is this your book? I'm sorry, here -" As Robin picked it up and dusted it off, Cordelia turned the opposite direction.

"It's not mine, who would read such an embarrassing book anyways?" Cordelia brushed Robin's apology off and continued in the direction she was heading before.

Robin watched as Cordelia marched off. She didn't understand why she had to be so cold towards a book. Still, it intrigued Robin to know who the book really belonged to. She stood up to continue on her way to the barracks when suddenly another powerful gust of wind caught her. The book flew out of her grasp and into the forest. She let out a gasp and ran straight after it, following it.

"No. . . Where could it have gone?" Robin searched from tree to bush, up and down. Her eyes scanning the grassy and shady area. 'I need to get it back to the barracks where the owner can reunite with it. . .' Panic was only starting to consume her when she saw a young boy standing in the middle of a forest clearing. He wore large mages hat and a light cloak of blue. It was Ricken, the boy Chrom had begun to trust on the battlefield despite his age. And in his hands, the book Robin had been searching for.

Robin approached the boy calmly. Trying not to startle him from his deep reading trance, she called his name without raising her voice. Ricken looked up frantically from the book and made eye-contact with her. A deep red blush overtook his features as he started to stutter and flail the book around in his hands.

"N - no! THIS is not what you think it is!!! It's not m - my book! I just happened to catch up in the wind and - er. . ."

Robin giggled, "I know, Ricken. I don't know who it belongs to but I found it. I was going to return it to the barracks when the wind stole it from me."

Rickens face lightened, the pressure lifting from his shoulders. "Oh, that was um. . ."  He looked down at the ground and muttered, "My Elwind. . . was practicing. . . I'm sorry." A couple of words were too quietly spoken to understand.

Robin could sense his nervousness so she walked up to him and took an easy approach. She patted him on the hat and casually slipped the book back to her hands, "It's fine don't worry about it!" Ricken seemed to shrink under her hand so she removed it. "Anyway, I should head back and return it. Nice meeting you!"

As she turned and left towards the direction from which she came from, towards the barracks, Ricken spoke up. "Um! May I join you. . ? On your way back? I have something to do at the barracks too."

Robin shrugged, "Yea sure! Don't mind  a bit of company."

Back at the barracks, Robin placed the book on the shelf, between other books. "There, hopefully someone takes it back. I feel bad for the damaged done to it though."

Ricken shuffled around in the drawers on the side, he took out an envelope and a paper and pen. This reminded Robin of the note from earlier. All the supplies he's holding now are provided in the barracks so there was no way to tell if the note earlier was his or not.

She took initiative and leaned over on the table while Ricken started pressing the pens ballpoint to the white paper. "Writing?" she asked casually.

Ricken face showed distress, "If I even knew what I'm supposed to be writing."

"What do you mean?" Robin didn't mean to meddle but with the mystery note, she couldn't hold herself back.

"I'm writing to my family. They're back at the town I came from, waiting for me since I'm young and stuff I have to keep in check with them. But I don't know what to write about. What should I say?"

"Hm," a suggestion came to thought, "About how you blasted that Elwind today?"

He shook his head, "That would scare them."

This situation was probably more tight than she imagined for him. Still, no clue whether he's the writer of the mysterious note.

"Do you like puzzles?" Robin asked.

"H - huh? Like what - I mean I suppose if it's an easy puzzle. . ."

"Writing that message to your family is like a puzzle, you have to solve it correctly to satisfy them the right way and dodge any mistakes." She smiled at him, "Why don't I help you out?"

"Help me? Hows that supposed to work?" Ricken was clearly shy about this.

Robin pulled a chair next to Ricken and sat down. She took the paper and started jotting down things he could write about including Elwind, Risen, and friends. "There, we can draft out  a letter together."

Ricken nodded with a smile, "Okay!"


words: 1030

My gosh I'm sorry this chapter is like double the size of the first one. 

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