Last Letter

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Robin held the envelope against her chest. She leaned back against the oak tree and sighed. Her chest felt heavy and odd, but she couldn't pinpoint why. She slid down, as if something in her chest was pulling her down to the ground. She couldn't be this disappointed about being unable to find the letter's hidden writer. . . So why did she feel this way?

Robin closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, perhaps she should just rest here out in the beautiful weather to clear her head. It was silly for this whole situation to have bothered her this much. As her consciousness faded away to a light slumber, she imagined how the scenario would play it when she finally found out who the secret admirer was. Would they get together like in the romance novels or would it all just be a joke? Maybe she was taking this too seriously. But it was the first time there was a chance that someone could admire her for who she was for all she could remember. 

- - -

When Robin awoke from her slumber, all the soothing light from earlier had faded into a hazy blueish glow. She wondered how long she had slept and if anyone had saw her snoozing away from camp. If she could remember, the way back would be to take a right. . . 

Just as she was about to head back, a gust of wind blew. Her hair flowed as she turned rapidly to see the letter she had fallen asleep with fly away and into the trees. And with it, her heart had carried away too. Robin let out a gasp and clumsily ran after the soaring letter. She dashed through the trees with her hand out, reaching for it but consistently missing the envelope between her fingers. The dark haze and shadows made it harder to pinpoint where the envelope was but it was the only white in the gloom of the night. Through the moonlight streaming through the open spots between leaves , she could spot the letter swaying through the dark.

And through the final clump of trees, was a clearing. A small boy in a blue robe and a large mage's hat was standing with his back facing Robin. He caught the flying letter easily in the wind, which was starting to die down to a breeze. Then he turned around to face Robin, his salmon-colored hair wavering. The shadow under the oversized hat covered his face, but it was clear by the small frame of the boy's body, it was Ricken. 

Robin's gaze met his, her lips parted slightly, "U - Um, that's. . ." She had no words.

Ricken's coffee-colored eyes glowed in the moonlight when he smiled softly at her, "I know," he said, "Here." He pressed his hand on his wind tome, another breeze flew. And in the midst of it, an envelope flew out from his pocket and into Robin's hand.

Robin starred down at the letter and back at Ricken. She had no idea how to feel about this. She couldn't believe this was happening, how long had it took for Ricken to plan all of this out? She walked over to Ricken in the clearing to receive some of the moonlight. Carefully, she unwrapped the letter and opened it. She could feel Ricken's nervous eyes on her as she read unfolded the letter and read it. 

A sweet breeze blows through your hair.

My heart ignited like a flare.

You are thunder, I am the wind.

We make a storm, perhaps it's a sin.

For being together, would be a treacherous dare.

Robin's heart squeezed tightly, stronger than when she had assumed the letter's identity wasn't Ricken. It was clear to her the feelings were connected. She felt a tear trickle down her cheek and wondered why she felt this way. "Ricken. . . I -" 

Ricken looked down at his boots shyly, "So - um, what do you think?" 

Robin placed her a couple of fingers under his chin and brought his face to meet hers. A deep red blush was painted on his soft features. "It's cute, I like it." She smiled genuinely, "Thank you."

"H - Huh? Really?" The boy couldn't hide his excitement.

"Yes. I accept your feelings." It felt relieving, to finally say this.

Ricken's mouth dropped in dismay, "I'm glad! I mean - Er - Thank you." He giggled joyfully. 

To Robin's surprise, he placed his lips on her cheek, elevating himself on his toes. The innocent kiss only lasted for a second before he stepped back. "We should get back to the camp. It's late."

Robin blushed lightly, "I'll stay out here for a bit. To enjoy the early night." 

"Okay, just make sure to get back safely." Ricken turned his back, ready to leave. "Goodnight, Robin."

Robin watched his back as he left, "Goodnight," she whispered back under her breath. Once he was out of sight, she squeezed the envelope. She felt a solid object under the paper. She pulled it out eagerly and held it up to the moonlight.

It twinkled.
A Mage Ring.

「 note 」

words: 900

Thanks for reading! And bearing with the inexperience of a new fanfic writer

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