Best Friends

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Falon became Freddy's favorite. Freddy would scoop her into the gentle support of his arms and lead her down the dimmed hallway of the preschool. "Freddy? Where are we going?" She asked in a soft, sweet voice.

"We're gonna go draw. Think you can do it?" Freddy looked down at her with an too-kind smile. Falon nodded and gave a soft yawn. She never got that much sleep. Every so often she'd have nightmares of just... the randomest of things.

Freddy opened the maintenance door that led down a rustic, old staircase that ended in the basement. Where he lived.

"Freddy, I'm sleepy..." Falon's pale blue eyes began to close, her head rested on his chest. Freddy walked over to the small table he had set up and sat himself down, with Falon curled up in his lap.

"How about we draw later? Wanna take a nap...?" Falon nodded and yawned once more, she was delirious. Freddy stood back up and made his way over to his roughish bed. Gently, he laid Falon down and covered her with a blanket.

"Promise me you'll be around, forever, Freddy?"

"I promise, as long as you can keep a secret."

Falon sluggishly looked up at him with a gentle smile. "Hm..?"

"What you see, belongs to you. Keep it between you and me, our secret?" Freddy asked as his eyes wandered all around the room.

"Yes, Freddy."

"Good, now get some sleep...."


Falon awoke in a dizzy haze, it took her a moment to focus in before panicking. "F-Freddy...!" She whined. He wasn't around.

Freddy was in a back room in the basement.

His eyes were focused on an old, factory sharpening wheel. He was humming a familiar nursery rhyme as he set a roughish brown glove down on his work bench. Beside it, were two, newly sharpened blades with a slight curve at the tip. What was he doing?

"Freddy..!" She whined once more. This time Freddy heard her. Before he could even think to move, he finished two more blades and quickly set them aside. His first instinct was to rush to her.

Falon stood quietly at the foot of the bed, her hair falling over her eyes and face, she groaned from the awakening.

Freddy walked over and knelt down in front of her. The gentle caress of his right hand nudged her hair aside as he brushed his knuckles along her cheek.

"You ok, Princess...?"

"Y-yeah... It was j-just a bad dream."

Just. A. Dream.

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