Chapter 25

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Escaping from those demons, Desmond and I continue to run away trying not to look back or even ponder if they are after us. We both head the opposite way from we just came, but I wonder where a best place could be to hide for safety. We eventually find a steep hill and right below are a sheltered hole. We jump right in; I bend down to my knees folding my arms not wanting to make any noises.

I notice Desmond still looking up to spot any demons coming after us. As we are deep inside this hallow pile, I wonder how can we get away from this? Thinking those demons could be on their way after all that fog diversion probably ended right about now.

Desmond then calls me out. I look to him where he starts to speak. “Those demons won’t be fooled so long.”

“So what now?” I question.

Desmond looks at me kind of funny, but then turns serious. “I think it’s time for you to put your practice in good use.”

I ponder about what he said. Am I ready to fight now? Mal and the others are still not here. However, I trained to be more prepared unlike the previous times I had with my demonic teacher Purson; Mammon; and Asmodeus. Reminiscing of all the training I had mostly with Mal and some I had with myself, I realize the time is now. I need to face up against those punks who are chasing after us.

Time to make Asmodeus be worry; I want to send a message to other demonic forces out there who want me. They can’t have me! Looking at Desmond, he seems perplexed in what I’m going to do. I want to make sure can he fight as well. Can a wizard attack?

“I’m tired of these demons coming after me.” I state.

“Are you sure you’re ready?” He asks.

I paused a second before I answer; I then remember what Mal told me about me being in control. I need to seize that control. That time has come. Replying to Desmond, “Yeah, I want to send a message to Asmodeus.”

I then press firm of the earth; grabbing hold of rocks. I begin to climb my way out of the hole and soon I’m back onto the ground’s surface. Then I start to hear a group coming my way. Believing it is the demons, I move into my defensive stance. I slightly slide my right foot back and move my left foot front.

Then I can hear them.

I can hear part of a conversation and then I could see a fireball coming right at me. I quickly bend down. Looking straight, I could see that the blast came from one of those demons. And then the demon that Demsond saw as one of the demons that attacked the hut, begins to walk to my direction.

“Nice duct, Devos.” He says.

“I’m not going to let you take me to him.” I say.

The demon smirks and looks back to his other brethrens for something. Not willingly to escape this time, I stand my ground. I make a fist from my hands anticipating anything. The demon then turns back around to see me.

“Don’t worry Devos, we won’t let you.” He says as then summons a fireball and throws it at me.

This time instead of dodging the attack, I pull out my right arm, and I begin to focus. I notice the black vine-like lines spreading to my hand. Then my hand opens up to where I blast off a telekinetic shield. The blast of the telekinetic energy blocks the demon’s fireball.

Wanting to even the odds, I roll over and as the other four are preoccupied in seeing the blast. I crouch and soon blast a fireball. The bluish black fireball takes aim at one of the four demons. He gets hit. The fireball blasts him back as he starts to turn into ash.

The other demons take notice; the so-called leader of the pack looks at me.

“Clever, Devos.” He continues, “But not clever enough.”

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