Something's Happened: Part 2

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Riley's POV

"You wanna go inside now?" Lucas asks. I look back at the hospital and shake my head. "I know I should but... I can't bring myself to face all of that again." He nods and takes his hoodie off.  "I'll cover you if you want to change here or we could go look for a bathroom nearby?" I shake my head. "I don't wanna freak anyone out with all this blood."

He takes his hoodie and holds it out to shield anyone from looking at my chest, as I take off my shirt in a hurry and switch it for his black tee, then I grab the hoodie and lay on my lower half. Lucas stands up, walks in front of me but faces away like a bodyguard as I try to change my pants for these shorts as fast and as swift as I can. I'm guessing these might've been his gym clothes or something but I can't complain. It was either this or the bloody clothes. After that I hand him his hoodie back and throw my old clothes away.


We've been out here for a while, the sky now starting to show it's beautiful transitioning colors. We've watched many of Farkle's loved ones enter the hospital and every time they do I begin to feel more guilt settle in. It made me feel like shit for being out here instead of in there but I don't want to break down and make a scene so I'd rather just be out here. Plus it's been a rather nice time. Lucas has been by my side this whole time. He even went out of his way to bring the both of us some food.

"So Lucas I never asked you where you were from?" I asked though I already knew. I mean anyone can if you really listen to him when he talks.

"Austin, Texas. Born and raised there most of my life until my mom decided to pack up." He sighs still watching the sky.

"I can tell how much you miss home. I'm sorry. Why'd you guys leave if you loved it there so much?" I ask looking over to him now.

"It's okay and we left because of my dad. She was afraid for my safety." He turns his focus to the ground.

"It's okay Lucas. You don't have to tell me anymore if you don't want to." He shakes his head and continues.

"See my dad was an alcoholic." He chuckles while shaking his head some more. It kinda surprised me but it's because of how angry he gets whenever he has to remember.

"At first it was just annoying to deal with him and the things he did but later on it got really bad. He'd start throwing and breaking everything he could and would waste all of our money at bars. It scared us but what really did it was the time he tried to hit my mom with a beer bottle." He catches his breath. His hands now turned into fists.

"I wasn't going to let him lay a finger on her so I-" Before he can say more I hug him tight. "Don't. It's in the past now. He can't hurt you both anymore." I feel his arms warp around me then I feel a few tears fall on my shoulder. We stay like this for awhile until he pulls away and wipes his eyes.

"I'm so sorry Lucas."

"It's okay Riley. It's just hard sometimes to keep my emotions in control." I nod and look down at my hands.

"Does anyone else know about this?" I keep my focus on him now.

"Yeah, they all know. I do miss Texas but that was never home. My friends here are my home. Without them I don't think I'd be sitting here talking to you." He looks away as I keep staring at him. I can't believe it. I can't believe I hated him at all.

"I'm sorry Lucas. I used to think you were just some guy but now I see that you're so much more." He gives me a small smile. I smile back at him.

"Thanks." We both take one last look at the colorful fading sky. "Riley I know that you're afraid but I think it's time we go inside now" I continue to stare at the sky as my smile fades. I take a deep breath as I nod, knowing that I couldn't hide from it forever. "Okay. Let's head in."

*hi everyone it's been a while. sorry for not updating in a while. things have been hard so i've been struggling a lot. i'll finish this story eventually though. part 3 will be coming.*

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