Chapter 6/153: Tourist and Guide

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Enjoy a long, long chapter, and a surprise at the end!


I woke up the next day, put on some random jeans and tank top, just gave my hair a fast dry by the drier to enhance its thick waves, put on slight mascara and lip gloss, and then headed towards the heart of the city.

I'd agreed with Sebastian Keith that I would meet him at the Regent's park station where we'll head together to Regent's park, and from there we'd climb up the Primrose Hill as recommended on the internet.

His main condition yesterday after I'd agreed on being his guide was doing as much adventurous activities as possible. And well, climbing up a hill seems like a good start.

In something like thirty minutes, I had reached the place of interest, where I found Keith casually standing while taking some shots with his camera here and there. Chester woofed as I neared them, bringing its owner's attention in my direction.

He grinned at me, "Hello, my guide!"

I nodded softly back at him, without really any exaggerated reaction.

Reaching him, I took in his changed clothes. He had a sleeveless shirt showing further of his tattoos, a silver necklace instead of his scarf, and the baggy pants along with the rangers he wore yesterday. His hair was still messily tied into a lazy bun at the back of his head, and his earrings dangled down from his ears freely.

His eyes glowed with concealed intensity as they raked over me as well. I didn't mind him much, "Shall we go?"

He wasn't fazed by my dryness, "Sure!"

We got our tickets, and got into the train.

The ride was generally silent, the train was crowded, barely keeping some centimeters between the people on it.

Sebastian Keith was standing before me, his back to the window, and Chester was to his side woofing from the annoying crowdedness.

My back was to people, and I was trying my best to support myself so I don't fall and crush the guy before me.

The train took a turn at that, and two huge figures swayed at me from behind, causing my to wince slightly as I did my best to keep my balance. The two dudes simply laughed before the straightened again, and I frowned softly, letting out a sigh as I worried about upcoming twists and turns.

It was at that that a figure before me shifted, stepping towards me.

Both his hands extended to either the dudes behind me, and my head came right before his broad chest.

For a second, I could feel something in my chest clench, but it disappeared as fast as it had appeared.

His scent was drugging, and I must say I had not expected that.

It was the drugging mixture of cigarettes and cologne, both at once.

"Excuse me," both weights at once were lifted from above my back.

I looked up, only to find a pair of arrogant, and superior orbs belonging to the 'supposedly' friendly Sebastian Keith.

I shuddered.

For a second... this look... this superior gaze...

It was purely aristocratic.

What the heck?

"You're bothering her. Step back." His hoarse voice came, not a hint of hesitation present within it, rather, it was beyond serious.

No answer was heard from behind me, as he looked down towards me at that. I gasped, as a cool, composed smile of his was shot at me, and his green orbs were as friendly as ever.

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