Chapter 17/164: Secrets and Revelations

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I gaped at him in disbelief. 

Flashbacks from a week or two ago flashed before my eyes, and I could not bring myself to blink.  

Sebastian Keith's gypsy and carefree style. His messy bun, the uncombed beard, his dozen earrings hanging from every ear, his sleeveless shirts to show his tattooed body, as well as his shorts, and his old used rangers. 

And most importantly, all the moments where he brought the cheapest stuff available on stocks because he made almost no money from his 'gypsy' business. 

—And now he stood here.

A couple of feet away from me.

And what a sight he was.

His smile was as carefree as ever, and yet now, it had the extra element of elegance. He shifted his gaze haughtily between the women around him, as he chattered smoothly with very confident body gestures. 

As always, his hair was lifted in a messy bun yet he had no earrings, as the only accessory he had attired was a fancy Rolex that weighed the price of Katy's car. He wore a black suit with a white linen shirt yet unlike all men in the ball, he didn't have a tie on, leaving a few buttons of his shirt open for eyes that would like to wander, and none of his tattoos were showing. His beard was well-combed now and slightly shorter than before, and his smile displayed his handsome line of teeth like it always has.

My heart clenched.

What the heck?

He lied to me or what?

But then phrases he said in our last encounter shot to my head out of nowhere.

' "I will definitely see you soon, take care of yourself until then." ' —He had said this back when I mentioned I worked at the Ellington Company. And he repeated it again back then...

So that's what it's about...

But... But what is he doing here?!

What is he?!

What... What if this is not him?! What if this is someone who looks a lot like him but not him?! That would make way more sense at this moment, knowing Sebastian Keith!

My theory was directly negated though, as his eyes landed on me from afar.

And I knew it at that.

I knew for sure it was him.

Because his facial expression made no effort to hide he knew me too well.

His eyes widened and his smile faded, as his lips parted in surprise.

He stiffened and froze, no longer interacting with the circle around him.

Our eyes met, and his jades glowed at that.

He seemed to take in the scene before him faster than me, as he averted his gaze from mine for a second, bringing back a plastic smile as he seemed to excuse himself from the circle around him.

Chatters from around me arose at that, as ballroom music started playing, and everyone was encouraged to find a dancing partner.

I blinked, dancing partner...

Scenes from my and Sebastian Keith's dancing encounters shot to my mind, and I felt my cheeks burn slightly. Good God, who the hell was I dancing with all that time!?

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