Chapter 42/189: Coffee Spills the Secret

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Very Warm yet Eventful Chappie :) Give it the love it deserves and get a chance to be this week's CWC! 

P.S. @sandiriks if you are reading this, you were last week's CWC :))) but didn't contact us for your sneak peek. If you'd still like to claim your prize, contact us and you'd get a sneak peek of this week's upcoming chapter. 

However guys, for next times, the winner will have to contact us, as our message notifies you it has been posted if you're following us, so please check it out :)

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"It's weird," I mumbled as I rubbed my chin softly, "I never imagined you would agree to help Emilia after what you said." I explained, eyeing his majesty Ellington as we stood in the line to the train heading from Coruña to Madrid. 

From beside me, Rickard Ellington Conway commented not, as he carefully eyed the description list emailed to him by Emilia Morte on his phone. 

The queue before us started moving, and so did we. 

"Had her mother been alive, she would have wished for this, I believe." He spoke arrogantly. 

I bit my lips as I blinked, "Oh, this reminds me, how did you know Esmeralda? Alba seemed surprised as well by your familiarity with her." 

He didn't honour me with a glance, as he kept his focus on the email before him, and his jaw twitched. "She was my mother's acquaintance from university." 

I gaped. Wow. For him to still preserve his mother's... connections...

I wet my lips, "Um, but she seemed to know you well..." 

He flinched not, yet his look darkened. "Si. Esmeralda was among the few that looked after me following madre's death. She has witnessed me in different... phases." 

I let my eyes devour him, as I observed his beauteous features. "How come Emilia does not know you much though?" 

"Emilia's father has been on bad terms with Esmeralda for a long time, and refused to allow her to take their daughter anywhere out of his sight." His cold and arrogant voice came slightly grudging. "I do remember Emilia from the first times I saw her, though, before problems between her parents started."  

I blinked, "Hm?" 

He moved his jaw softly, "She was barely six by then, and I was eleven, so that explains why she does not recall me." He spoke calmly, moving as the queue moved. 

"A whiny kid with a spoilt attachment to her butler," He continued in the coldest, completely unaffected voice one can imagine. 

Oh wait... he... was referring to Esteban? 

Woah... Esteban has been there for this long?! 

As though reading my thoughts, he shut his phone at this, focusing on the line before us with his unwavering gaze. "Esteban Gonçalez is older than Emilia by eleven years. He was seventeen back then, part-timing as a butler to afford his tuitions."

I took my time to register his words. I see... Although Esteban planned to part-time until he finished his tuition, he somehow ended up staying way beyond that, hmm... 

Warmth spread to my heart at the story, and determination washed through me about finding him. 

"I see," I smiled gently, "I do believe bringing him back with Emilia will make them both very happy!" 

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