Chapter 8

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I ran into my moms room to see Carter sobbing on the floor. "SHH SHH CARTAH WHATS WRONG?" I said, quit loudly. "Your parents were having sex and I had to see it" he Said crying. well shit

"Good Job Calum." I sarcastically said. "Oops." he said innocently. I rolled my eyes. "okay who's next?" I ask Ashton. "Taylor" he said. "I pick CARTAH." taylor answered. "I triple dog dare you not wear your bandanas until the game is over." Taylor looked at him, dramatic tears falling from his face. and he put his bandanas on my bed. "Okay Taylor choose." "LUKEY" he screamed. "I choose Matt" Luke Said. Matt looked up and said "I triple dog dare you to kiss your crush." He took out his phone and called his crush. "HEY LUKE" She screamed into the phone. "Hey Liv, can you come over to Calums house for a second?" He asked. "OKAY" She screamed. "cool see you then." when she arrived, he went up to her and kissed her she was a little looken back, but kissed back "AWWWW" Me and Mohagany screamed at the same time. All the guys looked at us. "STAHP DOING THAT" Nash screamed. "Sorry" we said in since. Nash just started Screaming again. When Luke was done kissing Liv I went up to her "HI IM LIV" She screamed. "IM CHAPIN AND IM YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND." "ME TOO" said Mohagany. "IM MOHANGANY." "YAY FRIENDS" She screamed. "well I gotta get home, BYE GUYS" She screamed "BYE"

"that was fun, but who's next?" I asked. "Mickey." Luke Said. "mohagany" He said. She smirked. Okay, she's the only one who knows I like Mickey. "I triple dog dare your to dye your hair purple." His eyes widened. Oh God.

*Michaels POV*

"..dye your hair purple." My eyes widened. How did she know I wanted to dye my hair purple? I then went back to normal. and went to get my hair dye. I got a bucket and put my head in. after a warm shower and 30 minutes, my hair was purple. "Woah, I can rock purple." I said. Every one laugh. But there was one laugh that stood out. I just loved her laugh. I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it, she's perfect, funny, and full out beautiful. I'm sorry, but I fell really hard for Mohagany.

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