Ch.7- Growth

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Ch.7- Growth

"The door's locked again."

"I can fucking see that, genius."

Kaminari turned and gave Bakugou a frustrated look, only to drop it the moment Bakugou actually made eye contact with him. Those burning crimson irises sure as hell worked as a good means to get someone to shut up when Bakugou decided to look at someone.

"Maybe she's running late today?" Midoriya spoke hopefully, knowing that the event from yesterday proved that even the support class got tied up with work from time to time.

"I didn't see her around school today, not even at lunch." Shinsou mumbled, having seen you walking around with Hatsume for the past couple days since you suddenly became important to him and the others.

The group was quiet for a moment, trying to decide what the next best course of action would be. You had struck a chord with all of them yesterday, your words of time running out being the most recent addition on their minds now.

The soft distant patter of footsteps made all six turn in an attempt to see if their friend- no you were not exactly that... peer was much more suited when describing their relationship with you- was descending down the hallway.

"She's not here today, you all might as well go home."

The figure of another female support class student spoke, walking towards the boys, though her real attention was on the small figurine in her grasp, the screwdriver turning speedily.

"Hatsume-san." Midoriya spoke, seeing his former teammate suddenly take up a presence. "What are you doing here?"

Hatsume sighed, finally glancing up at those around her. She pursed her lips, a thin line of pink and her gold eyes casting off once again. She placed the screwdriver in her uniform pocket and held the little robot down by her side.

"She hasn't left her bedroom since yesterday: no talking, no eating, no concern for anything. I don't know what the heck happened... but I have a feeling it has to do with all of you."

"She's that upset...?" Todoroki mumbled, knowing full well the reason behind your sudden spur of longing and loss.

"Listen." Hatsume firmed her voice, a tone that none of the boys had heard from her.

Hatsume always spoke in an excited, animated and slightly chaotic tone, her own brilliant mind making her act somewhat like a mad scientist when she really got into her world. But at this current moment, she just seemed serious and void of all humor and fun that she had been known to give off with her words.

"(Name) doesn't talk much, so I have no idea what has made her so upset, but if I find out that one of you is the cause of this... or had anything to do with it, then good luck getting any help from the department of support for the remainder of your time at UA."

"Hatsume-san, we don-"

"I don't care if you know or not... but you have to realize that not everyone is a hero course student- so you can't assume we feel as righteous as you guys do. Sometimes... we just want to forget about our lives in a room full of machines.

And for (Name)... taking that away from her is basically taking away her positive mental health and self-care. She's been nice enough to let you involve her thus far, but you have to give her her space.

She's more fragile than she lets on... trust me."

Hatsume lifted her dark stained hand, casually tossing it from one side to the other as she walked away. The sounds of her light steps making her warning seem less like a threat and more of a plea from a mother.

Enouement (BNHA x Reader) (Multi-Route/Multi-Ending Fic)Where stories live. Discover now