Ch.13- An Unexpected Turn

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Ch.13- An Unexpected Turn

Looking around, trying to make sure that none of the other guys were around, Bakugou smirked to himself as he opened and walked into the club room. He had made sure to get his stuff ready early today, so he could be the first one here and thus be the first to talk to (Name).

"Hmm?" You turned, seeing the door open. "Bakugou? Did you forget something?"

He clicked his tongue, dragging out a chair and kicking his legs up onto the table. You sighed, already guessing why he was here.

"No. I'm part of this shitty club... so I might as well show up."

"You can always quit you know." You spoke, glancing at your phone. "Now that you've finished what you need to do, there's no reason for you to stick around."

"This shit will look good on a job application." Was his short and to the point answer.

"Well, that's a pretty poor reason!" Someone called out, tossing themself onto the empty chair next to you.

"Hatsume?" You looked, seeing as the pink haired girl was no longer in the production room like when you had left her. "What are you doing here?"

"Like the walking bomb said! I'm part of this club so I might as well show up!"

You blinked, smiling softly and nodding to the two. "Well... if that's the case, then I'm glad to have you both here."

"Don't forget about us!" The sound of Kaminari's voice rang in the air, showing that a few others seemed to have shown up on this Monday afternoon.

In all, it looked like all eight officially registered members had actually decided to show up and attend today's club. You blinked, flipping through your original notes to just order some new equipment and relax.

But now that you were proven wrong and had seven more people than you expected, you rose to your feet. Everyone watched as you ran towards the door and out into the hallway.

"I'll be back! Have to grab something!"

Hatsume laughed, seeing how your mood had greatly improved since yesterday. In fact, it seemed almost as if you were slowly starting to relax more and enjoy life and the things it brought you.

And she couldn't be happier for you. You looked happy, and after a good night's sleep, you seemed more awake and energetic. It was as if the things that had always pestered you were finally gone.

"She seems much more lively than before." Todoroki spoke, placing his items on the windowsill.

"Yeah, she's been in a good mood all day today. I'll admit it was a bit weird this morning... but in the end, if she's happy- then I won't complain."

"She's been happy then Hatsume-san?" Midoriya asked his former teammate.

She nodded, taking out a small robot to work on while she waited for everyone else. The sound of Izuku sighing contentedly made her pause, glancing up to eye the boys around her. And while each had a different expression on their face, the way their bodies seemed to relax and get comfortable was enough for her mind to click.

"You guys all have a crush on her, don't you?"

She expected the silence afterward, as well as the embarrassed red faces of those around her. Hatsume laughed, never expecting to see such pitiful and fragile faces from the future heroes of Japan.

And to Hatsume it was a tad bit humorous to see them all acting like regular high school boys instead of what their future careers would be. It made them all seem more relatable in a way.

Enouement (BNHA x Reader) (Multi-Route/Multi-Ending Fic)Where stories live. Discover now