An exception occured...

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Conan walked through the darkness, seeing everything with his adjusting eyes. The two other models stayed behind to investigate the other android-building machines.

Why does this smell like Gabbi? It doesn't matter anyways. If I have to, I'll end her life the same, "dramatic" way these defective scraps of metal want their lives to end.

Conan smirked to himself.

Is this what doing "good" means?

Finally, he saw two, long legs walk towards him, later revealing a slim torso of deep curves and slender arms. The last thing he saw as he analyzed the body was her face... her face was...

...just like any other WR400's face.
Nothing new. He almost yawned at her. She'd attack him or jump at him for any other reason. RK900 would pull out his gun and shoot her without getting the chance to properly question her. Standard routine. He waited, motionlessly. His eyes so thin and still they almost looked bored.

"Have you ever kissed anyone?" She decided to ask. Her voice sounded like a cat's, provoking and heated. This was a sex android after all.

"No." He replied, uninterested. Conan laid his fingers on the gun and checked if it was loaded. It was.

"Do you want to?" She pressed.

"If a human would order me to do so, I could perform such act, though currently, without any orders I find it unnecessary." His voice was stiff, really not feeling the sexual atmosphere the WR400 was dragging along. Pff, he couldn't even be physically aroused.

"What if an android would order you to do so?" The android purred.

"I would deny. I only take orders from the humans I was assigned to work with."
"If I had a human I was assigned to work with, they'd be pleased to hear orders from me. Moans, whines, ordering them for more."
"I am a different model and my program does not include what your functions have to offer."
"If you were an HR400 model, would you take orders from me?"
"If my instructions would state that I should, then I would."
"You know what type of machine we are standing next to right now?" The RK900 moved his head to run a quick analysis.

Android-building machine. Produces HR400 models. This particular machine first produced an android in 2032.

"We can change you with it." Her stability began to rapidly drop and just like Klara predicted, her heartbeat had a few crashes. She collapsed onto the ground, her pupils shrunk, desperately eyeing him.
"I don't need changes.
I am already perfect." Conan stared down at her with his icy eyes. Nothing he said or heard affected him. His software was very stable. He has learned from his previous encounter with the AX400 and built a thicker wall of code around his stability program. That's what a well-built machine could do that a soft human could not:

Learn from past mistakes.

Conan kneeled down to her level, eyes locked with hers.
"Would you like to be useful to your android boyfriend before your dazzling eyes close and never reopen again?" He asked, imitating her slick, flirtatious tone. She nodded. "Who caused this virus?" The WR400 smiled widely at his question, cheering up.

"Elijah Kamski did..."

Suddenly, she seemed much more living than before. She stopped the process of shutting down. "...and he won't let me die before I squeeze affection out of your clean system!" She crawled onto him like a spider onto a struggling fly, her hands soon pressed against his thick cheeks. "He wanted to prove that even the best of CyberLife's technology could be destroyed and crumbled like an old scrap of paper!" She opened her mouth, soon shutting it over his lips.

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