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Chapter 14

Loki's POV (During Reader's check-up)

"Have you forgotten your place, boy? Seems I need to teach you another lesson."

Pain erupts from the lashes given to me. I can't move. I can barely breath. The sting of my wounds is enough to make me want to cry. Tears gather in my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall. I won't give into being seen as weak.

"You protect your little wife too much, one day she just might slip through your nimble fingers. When she does, I'll steal her, make her into a monster."

He finds a new form of punishment by pouring scalding water over me. It feels like what I imagine hell to be. My torture is unbearable, but I've survived worse.

"You hide your true self from the one you love, making her miserable."

His taunts grow more heartbreaking. I know I've done bad things to (y/n). She deserves better than me. It was my fault that I allowed my feelings to grow. She was supposed to die. She wasn't supposed to survive the attack on New York.

"She's even afraid to love you. She wants to kill you, how poetic."

His words add salt to the wounds in my heart. If the day came, I'd let her drive the knife through my heart. I've taken too much from her, I'd let her take anything from me, including my life.

"Maybe Odin should've left you to die. Then you would've died innocent."

That's when I finally felt the pain leave. The world blurred and I fell into a dreamless sleep.


I masked my body of any remnants of pain or torment. (y/n) didn't need to see me broken. She already hates me, I don't want her to see me as frail and powerless.

The small birthing room in the tower smelt like bleach. When I walked in, I found my darling pet with her maternity dress pulled up with a gel like substance on her belly. (Y/n) looked genuinely happy for once. I can't imagine why.

I interrupt whatever the doctor what telling my pet, "Sorry, I wasn't here to take you, pet."

She appeared angry and nervous, "It's fine, where were you?"

"It doesn't matter." I could tell my answer didn't satisfy her, but she wasn't going to push any further. She was afraid of pushing me, a result of the torture I've put her through. Torture that I regret.

She looks over at the doctor I've neglected to learn the name of, "What did you say the gender was doctor?"

"Oh... Your having a healthy baby girl." The doctor moved a screen. I saw a baby like figure. Our baby.

I reached for (y/n)'s hand and stared at our baby, "This is our little bundle of life, (y/n)." I couldn't help myself and kissed her smooth lips. "I love you, so much. Thank you for everything."

She started crying, I took my thumbs and rubbed away her tears. I must still scare her. She's still afraid of me. It hurts me to know how badly I abused her. I miss her fight, it meant I hadn't broken her. Now she's a shell of what she used to be.

I pick her up bridal style and walk to the baby's new room. (Y/n) needed more freedom than I gave her, so I let her design the baby room. I finally put everything she wanted together in the room, now it's finished.

"What's this?" She looked around the room as I set her down on her feet.

"I finished it." My pet walked wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. It felt so wrong. I hurt her she should be running from me, not hugging her captor.

Loki's Pet AvengerWhere stories live. Discover now