-Liam and Niall-

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Dear Liam

Do you want me to help you, because i will. Maybe you can help me too?

i beat up a boy today because he touched my food. I've never been so ashamed of my self in my life. I don't think i want to be so dependent of food that i turn all macho if it's threatened.

Normally i wouldn't hurt a fly, and when i do i feel so guilty i have to bury it. Louis says i'm as scary as a baby penguin. I didn't mean to punch Stan. He won't talk to me now.

i'm sad because of it, and i'm never sad.

I'm in trouble with my teacher for it, maybe if i sold my body to him, he'd let me off? maybe? Or should i not degrade myself like that?


i'm like wetting myself because i'm sat outside his office. THIS IS NOT COOL!! i can't be known for being 'that Irish boy that beat someone up for touching his food and then wetting himself when he got in trouble!' 

What if i cry? i'll look like an idiot!! i won't be known as much better! and Louis isn't helping me, he's just writing a letter to his pen-pal Harry, he's grinning like mad, and writing all the stupid excuses he uses in class not to do his homework. I think they let him off because they think he's crazy.

he tells me he has a giraffe called Betty, I'm confused. i'm not sure if he's telling the truth. he seems so certain about it, but what if he's lying about it?

As for your parents, they may be crazy but at least they let you do things, my mum never lets me out past seven when i get back from Nando's, and my bed time is at eight. it sucks more than Morris, my brothers mosquito that he refuses anyone to squash.

Got to go, i'm being called into the office, hope to hear from you soon



DO NOT, i repeat DO NOT EVER SELL YOUR BODY! unless you're dead and its for medical science, then go straight ahead.

but indeed, feel free to help me, and i'm sure to help you in return, it may be good for both of us. but first, i think we should get to know each other better. a few letters don't really prove that we can trust each other, i'm sure you can be trusted, but i just need to make sure. It's one of these things i suppose.

I'm sat in the hospital right now, yes on a friday morning i'm sat in hospital missing school, know why? Because my school is a mess! there has been about twelve people come forward complaining that this boy called Chris has threatened them with their lives. What have they done? nothing.

So Chris is still walking around able to assault people. two of whom happen to be my best friends.

Last night my friend Zayn had a party. I was told by them to go chat up a girl, Which didn't go to well. She walked off calling me Luke, how are you around women by the way?

well, i went to chill on a deck chair wishing i wasn't so awkward, then i heard commotion, loads of people were running from the house. i was confused. Turns out Chris had assaulted my friends in the cellar. harry more than Zayn.

Don't tell Louis, Harry will want to write a letter to him, that's when he wakes up. I'm quite worried about him, he's not responding to anything, and he's got so many stitches that i can't count! Zayn has pretty bad concussion and a broken arm.

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