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Carmen POV:

After forty-five excruciating minutes I had successfully made it to my destination. Although it was a long distance; I could definitely tell the outstanding difference between my own  neighborhood and this one.  Houses were refined and elegant; standing proud along with its appealing aesthetic gardens. Water fountains decorating the entire front lawn, displaying gracefully the lavish amounts of money in heavy pockets. As compared to our rundown, aged houses which contained dry, almost dead, grass.  Affordable, sometimes damaged cars were the only decoration provided for the house and its front lawn.

I could think of an immense amounts of unfavorable factors concerning my neighborhood but I had noticed one from few positive factors that trumped this lavish hood. In my hood, there was life, human interaction, communication, and culture. Although my hood didn't emanate a dignified, luxurious vibe it did radiate a warm, affectionate  sentiment which would be difficult to ignore. Standing here, observing the desolate street, made a cold shiver run down my spine. 

It feels empty.

Gathering enough courage, I pressed the small silver button and waited to be granted entrance. Waiting patiently, I nearly yelped when I heard my employer's voice. 

"Welcome to the Coleman residence. Please state full name and purpose for today's visit.", she voiced.

"Hello..", I started, hesitant, "My name is Carmen I am here for the position available..", I started almost jumping in the air when the woman shrieked loudly creating a static noise. 

"Ohh darling! You are here! Hold on a minute, I'll open up these gates in a lickety-split", said her warm, enthusiastic voice. At the word "lickety-split" left me confused. Is that another American slang? Like swag? Dab? or lit?  Although I could never interpret American slang correctly; I figured the word meant quickly. A minute hadn't even passed when the gates opened and granted me entrance to the beautiful, elegant mansion. 

As I walked towards the door, my steps were light, cautious almost feathery as if the ground beneath me was made out of gold. Lifting up my knuckles about to knock, the door opened abruptly and a warmth immediately engulfed me. I then noticed this warmth had arms. 

She was hugging me.

"Hello nice to meet you, my name is Mary Potts", she said pulling away but making sure to hold my hands.

My ugly hands

As she stood there I examined her. Mrs. Potts appeared to be about in her mid-sixties; although she had soft wrinkles surrounding her face it did not waver her beauty. Her hair was also graying with age; holding a salt and pepper look. But what struck me the most was her smile. Her smile gave me a sense of comfort and belonging; a feeling I haven't felt in years.

"..and you must be Carmen! I am so glad you are here. Come, come inside so we can talk.", she continued dragging me inside. Chuckling under my breath I followed her small steps into a gorgeous kitchen. 

"Here..here. Take a seat." Mentioning towards the chair while taking hers across from me. Only I was too distracted to pay attention. I was observing the breathtaking details of the house. From the white clean, pristine marble floor to the bright hanging chandelier. It was definitely hard to resist my awe. Noticing my lack of response Mrs. Potts turned and let out a joyful laugh.

Returning my attention to her, my cheeks warmed. "Sorry.. T..This house is pretty big, no?" I asked  stuttering. Forcing to hold my head high and shoulders straight; I ignored the vexing thought of me sounding ridiculous speaking English.

"Yes, that is why I need help. This old body can't go on with this place. I am not as strong as I used to be." Mrs. Potts chuckled out then looked up to me. "So lets talk about what your duties would be, shall we?"

She first led me through the entire mansion; showing me the ins and outs of it. She explained how Mr. Coleman was a quiet distant man that usually didn't have visitors. At that I was surprised. Weren't all rich people sociable? She also took her time on explaining to me, my duties. I would be in charge of the whole upstairs while she would manage the first floor. Explaining how it was hard on her knees to walk up and down the stairs constantly.

After three hours of her explaining detailedly my tasks she bid me farewell; well not before handing me my uniform. I would begin the first thing in the morning at six a.m. and would finish at six p.m. She informed me how I would start tomorrow with no delay; she also offered advice to be punctual since Mr. Coleman does not tolerate tardiness

To someone else this might have annoyed them but I on the contrary keep these inputs and instructions close. Keeping in mind how I don't have the same opportunities as others.

With that I left, a joyful hop embedded into my steps. 


As I pull out my keys to open the front door I am interrupted by my renters voice, Carlos.

*"Carmen te llego una carta de seguro es tu mamá otra vez.", he said handing me my letter before taking his leave.

Joy filled my system as I held the letter in my hands. With frantic movements I nudged the door open. Feeling a bit impatient I ripped the envelope in a disgusting fashion. Pulling put the paper I began to read.

**"Carmen, soy tu hermana Kassandra te estoy escribiendo por que a mama le prescribieron mas medicinas. Ella apenas acaba de padecer del la pression  y del cholesterol. Esta es la lista: necesita pastillas para la pression, el cholesterol, pastillas para el estres, un recomendado ACE inhibidor y finalmente un anti-inflamatorio nosteroidal. Y recientemente ha tenido problemas durmiendose ya que le duele todo el cuerpo si puedes tambien mandar dinero para una pastilla aliviante y pastillas para dormir me harias un gran favor. No solo eso me da pena pedir pero no alcanze dinero para pagar la casa me sacarias de apuros si por favor me mandar un poquito mas este mes. Con amor Kassandra"

Suddenly the air I was holding in was released pulling along with it a dejected sigh. More never ending problems. I usually send around a hundred-eighty dollars but looking at the list made me realize I would need more. I would need to send at least five-hundred and eighty dollars now; money which is currently not in possession.Meaning I would have to send about six thousand nine hundred dollars a year. Sometimes reading these letters makes me feel somber and pessimistic. At times I feel used, and feel as if my family doesn't care much of me. Then I think of how selfish I'm being. But its not as if I purposely feel that way; in fact I feel guilt coursing through my body just thinking about it.

Am I truly going to be narcissistic and self-centered? 

To only think of myself and my feelings when my mother is still in need?  

Shaking those thoughts away, I turned to the direction of my room. Still holding my uniform in hand I turned to my closet and pulled out a hanger. Hanging it in plain sight ready for tomorrow, turning again inside my closet I pulled out my shoes leaving everything ready.

Then I decided I would take a well deserved shower. After finishing I brushed my teeth and did my necessities before leaving the bathroom. Taking a seat on my bed I prayed for everything around me; my new job, my mom, and my sisters. Hoping some day I would find tranquility. Sliding down to the bed I let myself drift off into the unknown.


*" Carmen I got a letter for you, most likely its mom again."

**"Carmen is your sister Kassandra I'm writing to you because the doctors have prescribed mother to more medicines. She recently got high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Here's the list: we need pills for the pressure,the cholesterol, pills for stress, a recommended ACE inhibitor and finally a no-steroidal anti-inflammatory pill.    And recently she has had problems falling asleep since her body hurts if you can also send money for a relieving pill and sleeping pills you would be doing us a huge favor. Not only that, but I'm sorry to ask but I don't have enough money to pay the house; you would get me out of trouble if you please send me a little more this month. With love, Kassandra"

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